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Hola peoplezzzz!!!!

I know its been a long time since I've actually posted a chapter of this book but right now...I can't possibly post for a while.

Its not that I couldn't, but I wasn't able to write properly this past few weeks.

You see, my family is in a bad condition right now, but they aren't affected by the disease going around, its just that, its too personal so I won't be saying it but please understand that I'll be taking a time off for a few months or I don't know.

But I assure you that I'll be writing again someday, but now right now.

I can't possibly think straight when my family is in a tight spot so I'm really going to need a break from all these writings.

But I hope that you atleast enjoyed the rest of the chapters and I hope that you'll be able to wait for my next update...
(PS: I will be back peoplezzz🤗)

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