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Losing someone who is close to you isn't easy at all, it's way to hard to deal with the pain and the sufferings it brings to you. As always loss is never a profit. And same goes for Nayeon, after losing her father she almost became a corpse, thanks to Jeongyeon for not letting the older one completely convert into that.

For straight two days when Nayeon didn't ate a single thing it was Jeongyeon who make her at least have some milk with bread. Mrs. Im's health is not an exception to this case but jaebeom being a responsible first child tries his best to keep his mother living as he surpass all his pain, and freezes all his tears.

About Chanyeol? He wasn't aware about anything until Jeongyeon called him at the funeral, he indeed was shocked but left everything behind to be with her wife, which bitterly lost her intrest in him. But that's not what matter now. Chanyeol foolishly asked Jeongyeon to be with Nayeon during the daytime as he'll be in the company, but after asking for this favor the only thing Jeongyeon felt towards Nayeon was pity. Pity for loving a guy who is giving work time rather than giving her time, especially in this crucial moment. But Jeongyeon conceived Chanyeol, which eventually wasn't hard at all, and that was she can stay with Nayeon for 24/7 so if someday he'll not able to come that will be fine.

Chanyeol being Chanyeol sometimes forgot that his wife is in her parents house and proceeds to sleep in their house. And Jeongyeon again do nothing except cursing that fool.

Meanwhile, for Nayeon and Jeongyeon their relation dont have a 0.1% progress it was just Jeongyeon staying by Nayeon's side and letting the other girls run the company. It wouldn't be wrong to say that the girls made a visit a lot more times than of Chanyeol.

A month. Two months. It's been two month of total since the Ims lost their sunshine but luckily now they are trying their best to get back to the tracks. Mrs. Im started her own bakery, as she'll never able to forget those sweet things her husband use to say about her delicious desserts, especially the cakes.

JayB went back to Bussan to handle their first branch their and Nayeon started to come to the office at least thrice a week and trying her best to be regular, cause the cabin right in front of hers is of her father. Where he always sits wearing well ironed suit and tie looking flawless, always going through some files and as soon as he get free, without wasting a single second he'll approach his daughter or ask for a family dinner.

Jeongyeon started paying visits in her office, she brings the lunch, sometimes brings the chaotic group just for Nayeon.

Jeongyeon : "Nabong..."

The girls already left or more like pushed out off the office building by Jeongyeon by saying there's a lot of work left in their building, as she at least want a little alone time with the older one.

Nayeon : "Hm?"

Wiping her hands and corner of lips with the tissue she started packing the empty lunch box which was bought by Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon : "Dad want to have a dinner with you and your family, today"

Nayeon : "Huh? Why?"

Jeongyeon is always hesitant to say the word "Mr. Im" or something related to that in front of Nayeon. She still thinks that this girl is still to fragile to listen about her father, as she could break into tears again by remembering that jolly man.

But not having any other choice she said it.

Jeongyeon : "He was Mr. Ims close friend, he at least want to see you and your family there"

Nayeon : "Sure..."

Listening something with no emotions from Nayeon after hearing her father's name is a little new to Jeongyeon but she smiled internally looking and observing the positive change in Nayeon's behavior.

Jeongyeon : "Sure?"

Nayeon : "I'm not sure about oppa as he's in bussan but mom, Chanyeol and I will be there"

Chanyeol? Not at all. She won't let that Chanyeol come to the dinner. She just dont want to see that guy.

Jeongyeon : "Chanyeol is busy. I've already talked to him."

Nayeon : "But in the morning he said he have almost nil work on Fridays"

Jeongyeon : "Could be. But I just know that he have a meeting with share holders around eight pm and obviously he'll be tired so how he could come"

Nayeon : "Okay then fine. Mom and I'll be at time"

Jeongyeon smiled and nodded.

They are usually like that nowadays. The nights they had spend undercovers, those soft kisses, everything they did in Paris is just a memory to them, which none of them is finding guts to talk about it.

Jeongyeon stopped touching Nayeon with an incorrect intention. She herself didn't want to raise the topic. Cause she knows the game is everything about the timing.

Biding her goodbye with Nayeon as a "best friend" she enters her car and the first thing she did was fishing out her phone and dialing her manager's number.

Jeongyeon : "Joshua... Schedule a meeting with our shareholders and the Ims shareholders. I wont be able to attend that meeting so ask Chanyeol to do that. And... make sure that meeting will be longer than three hours"

Joshua : "Three hours?! Isnt it too long? What is the topic of the meeting?"

Jeongyeon : "Talk about anything which can stretch it. Buying a new building? Production house? Bad quality but good quantity or good quality yet bad quantity. I have few papers under my desk use them to find the topics ask Mr. Kim, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Song and Mr. Seo to make power point presentation for the meeting. Just engage Chanyeol for 3-4 hours there. Okay?"

Joshua : "Okay"

Jeongyeon : "Thank You. I'll double your bonus and give the four of them bonus to."

She hung the call as she deeply released a sigh.

Jeongyeon : "Now the only thing left is to call Chanyeol and act formally and invite him for the dinner to just a hear a no."

She stared driving with a huge soft smile as she kept to call and ask Chanyeol for dinner after reaching her parents place.


The bell echoed in their huge villa and instead of the server it was Jeongyeon who opened the door just to find the visitor she was expecting.

Jeongyeon : "Hey~ You are before time"

Nayeon gently smiled and nodded.

Nayeon : "Just want to make today's dinner"

Jeongyeon : "But we have the cooks"

Nayeon : "Won't you let me inside?"

Jeongyeon : "Where's Mrs. Im?"

Nayeon : "She'll be at time. Now can I enter?"

Jeongyeon : "No~~"

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