Chapter 4

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"Bang Chan? Who..?" as soon as I said this Taehoon gasped.


"Girl don't you know who's Bang Chan?"

"Well if I know him, I wouldn't have asked right?"

"You, you don't watch news do you?"

"Nope. I don't like spending time with my uncle aunt sitting in that living room and watching those boring news."

"Y/n then too you should know what's going on around you!"

"Quit the scoldings Min Taehoon!!"

"Okay so, Bang Chan is the oldest son of the founder of Bang corporation."

"Bang corporation? Aren't those the biggest builders in Korea?"

"Thank god at least you know this." he said which I replied with a glare. "So, the eldest son is Bang Chan and he is a-"

He couldn't finish his words when loud thuds where heard from other room. Dr. Park was asking for help. Both of us rushed towards him and saw that someone was acting out of control. He was scattered the hospital equipments on the ground and messing the bedsheets. He was even trying to push the nurses away from him.

"Chan!! Chan can you hear me? Please sit down please." the person wearing a mask, who must have come with him said.

I frowned after hearing his voice. 'Why is his voice so familiar? And Chan? Is this Bang Chan?' I thought and stared at him. Before I could recognize his face our staff grabbed him tightly and uncle Sungho injected something in him. He became unconscious. All of them sighed in relief. I was late though. I walked towards Dr. Park.

"Doctor you okay?" I asked and he nodded. I glanced at the bed where the man was laid. He looked familiar, very familiar. And when the realization hit me, I gasped. He was that guy whom I met at the concert. 'Wait why is he here..?'

'Why was he so violent?' My mind was full of unanswered questions. I stared at his unconscious body.

"Come on now all of you go back to your work. Micha, Hanuel stay here and look after him." the doctor ordered and we followed. After giving one last look to Bang Chan, I looked up at the guy in the mask. He immediately turned away so I wasn't able to see his face also he was wearing a mask.

I resumed my paper work and looking after the patients. Everyone thinks I am cold, not so good with people, a complete introvert, a girl who don't care about anyone and all. But I seriously loves taking care of the patients here. I work in a therapy centre so it's clear that we have patients who are depressed, some needs care from neural surgeries, some suffers from trauma and many more patients with different problems.

The reason I love being with them is, there was a time when I was depressed too. Depressed with my life because there was no one who would care for me. I didn't feel loved when I wanted to. Being an orphan at the age of six, it was hard for me to stay alone. Alone where I couldn't feel my parents presence, their love. Uncle Sungho used to visit me often but still nothing would cheer me up. I didn't have friends because of my depression and my cousin, Juwon, who used to be with me in my childhood, left Korea for studies. I used to skip my meals which my uncle aunt didn't care about. From the start they used to treat me like I am a burden on their family. At first it was painful but now I am used to it. I then got Got7 in my life. When no one was there with me, these seven boy were. Still I wasn't getting much better. Just me in my room with a straight face and anxious mind.

When my depression was not curing, uncle Sungho asked me to work here in this hospital. At first I didn't understand the purpose, but slowly slowly I got out of my small room. My depressed mind was getting better. I met Micha here, who happened to be an Igot7 too. This made us go together well. I eventually became best friends with Micha and her boyfriend Taehoon.

"Y/n, Dr. Park needs you in his clinic." Taehoon called from his reception desk.

"Yes, coming." I said.

I knocked the door of his clinic and opened it. I could sense the thick atmosphere in the room. Dr. Park was siting in his chair while the guy who was with Bang Chan was sitting in front of him still wearing his mask. Somehow I felt that I know him.

"Uh..Y/n I have to tell you something." uncle Sungho said and I nodded. "Oh first take a seat." he said and I moved one chair to sit beside him.

He wasn't speaking anything which was a bit creepy for me. After few minutes he finally spoke, "Y/n, I need a favour form you."

I nodded.

"I want you to be a caretaker."

"Am I not already?"

"I mean a personal caretaker."


"Bang Chan." he said quietly and I widened my eyes.

"What?!! Doctor didn't you see how furious he was right now? Why me out of everyone? And why can't he take a treatment here in hospital?" I showered him with questions with my arms crossed.

"Y/n Y/n calm down okay? You see he can't stay here because he isn't a normal one."

"Yeah I know, he's that business man's child but that doesn't mea-"

"Y/n won't you let me finish." I pouted and decided to give an ear to his words. "It's not because of his parents..." he paused.


"He have an addiction."


He didn't spoke.

"What is it?" I asked politely again.



Drugs...If you are not comfortable with it I suggest you to stop reading here. Also I mentioned in the description that it's all FICTIONAL.

Also let me clear this that this book doesn't contain many drugs scenes as it will be depicting withdrawal process (process of getting rid of any addiction)



Japan 2nd single czfzfgshsjjsks

Why are we so spoiled?😭🤡

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