Chapter 9

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"Chan." he looked up. "Uh...I- well for that concert day, thank you."

He got what I meant he just smiled lightly and went inside the kitchen.

"I will prepare dinner so you can rest for now." he said from the kitchen.

I nodded. I went to the guest room which will be temporarily my room now. I entered with wide eyes. The room was very spacious. I turned on the dim light which made the room cozier. The walls were painted creamy white with few nature depicting paintings on it. A big window was right opposite to the bed. Well the warm sunlight will wake me up everyday I guess. There was a table beside the window and shelf on the other side. The bed and cushions with light coloured sheet felt fluffy. Yay I have my own bathroom now!! There was a bathtub as well. I will cry out of happiness now because my uncles house had just one common bathroom which my aunt used to order me to clean every two days.

I started unpacking my stuff, putting clothes in the closet, my Got7 and other kpop merch on the shelves. I'm a multi okay? My psychology and study books and other novels on the other shelves. My bear plushie against the headboard of the bed. First aid kit in the bathroom. I bought lots of antibiotics and bandages in case getting hurt while encountering high Chan. Well it's my first time to take care of an drug addict by myself, without anyone's help. I put those in nightstand and my other cosmetics and skin care creams and stuff in the vanity. I don't have any skin care routine tho.

Chan's house was literally double the size of my uncles. Richie rich I see. Son of a business man...

I decided to take a shower and wear comfortable clothes. I thought of wandering around the house to explore more about it. There were three guest rooms, two upstairs and one downstairs, one of which is now occupied by me. Chan's bedroom was one room beside mine. Kitchen was big as well. And!!! He had a backyard too!!!! There was a room beside the kitchen which had a board hanging on its door saying 'Authorized Personnel only.'


Chan called me as we both sat at the table for the dinner. He made fried rice with some side dishes as well.

"Eat up." he said. We ate our food quietly not willing to talk.

"Isn't it weird for you?" He started the conversation. "I mean we met that day and we talked very little. You didn't even know who I was, then you suddenly got to know that I am an addict and almost killed people." he chuckled. I somehow felt the pain behind that smile.

"Yeah it's a lot to take in. And to be honest when they told me about you, I was really shocked. I didn't even want to believe that but it's the fact." I paused. "Chan, trust me you will be fine soon."

He nodded while smiling and continued eating.

After finishing eating, he insisted to wash dishes and asked me to rest. I sat on the couch in the living room and watched random dramas. It was awkward for me actually. After a while he joined me. We watched the TV in peace until I wished to break it because it was important.

"Uh...Chan, can I ask something?"

"Go ahead."

"I...its...see I am doing this for you so... can you give me all the drugs you have?" I asked in a low voice.

His eyes darkened at my words. Why is he staring at me like that? I am doomed!! Chan while smiling is completely opposite of what I am seeing in front of me. He is scary.

Uncle Sungho I really hate you now!!

"Are you going to start this right away?" he asked in stern voice. My heart is pounding fast in my chest. Stop Chan you are scaring the shit out me.

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