"Fine I asked her if she can be my daughter in law."
Y/n widened her eyes feeling betrayed by Chan's mother.
Chan's eyes widened too, he didn't feel angry being paired up by some other girl, instead he felt butterflies. He felt as if he was waiting for someone to say this. His heart swell at his mother words. Being with Y/n? He didn't know the answer but surely felt something he never did for her. He had a soft corner for Y/n as she was 24/7 around him but spending the remaining life with her was a whole new story for him. His mind was clouded with several thoughts. He shrugged this feeling and looked at her mother who was laughing at the two, in disbelief.
"Chill guys I was joking." she controlled but failed and laughed out. "Chan I just asked her a personal question. I can't tell you that hehe."
Chan huffed whereas Y/n sighed in relief. She almost died after listening that.
"Now its time to sleep. Sohee-ya! Hajoon-ah!" the called siblings walked in. "Come on its time to go to bed. I won't listen to yall because I know you will ask me whether you can stay up so, a big no 'cause both of you have travelled last night. Chan and Y/n also need rest so in your bed right now." Y/n watched their mother.
How she commanded and not letting anyone argue. She basically shut down everyone's mouth. She wished to have her mother with her right now.
'If she was here, she would have also command the same way. She would have been so caring about me. Mum I miss you.' Y/n smiled sadly.
Chan's mother then kissed all of theirs forehead as good night kiss. Y/n's and Chan's too. Chan was shocked for a moment getting a motherly kiss from her. As he was the last one to get kissed, her mother cupped Chan's cheeks. Y/n smiled at the sight with the younger Bangs.
"Chan-ah good night. Sleep tight."
"Go-good ni-night..mom." she smiled at him. And turned to everyone. They knew what she mean and soon they followed her orders but...
"Sohee if you don't mind, can I sleep in your room? Or can I stay in the guest room?" Y/n asked as she wasn't allotted any room in that house.
The moment Sohee opened her mouth, "You can just sleep in Chan's room." Chan's mother smirked at Y/n.
"Haa!?" Y/n asked in disbelief.
Chan's mother was playing a matchmaker role already?
"Chan's room is big. Both of you can sleep in there. Ugh Sohee Hajoon why are you still here? Go to your rooms!" the younger people nodded and disappeared in the hallways again. And so did Chan's mother.
Y/n was standing transfixed at her spot. She became slightly nervous at the thought of sleeping in the same room as Chan. 'please don't let it be awkward' she hoped. Chan on other hand looked like it didn't matter him much.
"Let's go." he said and held Y/n's hand. She was dragged in his room.
"I will take the couch, you sleep on the bed." Chan's said picking up a pillow and a blanket for himself.
"Let's do it reverse."
"What? No yo-"
"Wait, it's kinda dramatic now. Let's not argue and divide the bed. I will sleep on one end and you on other alright?"
Y/n was shocked again. Not all the Bangs trying to kill the poor girl with their behaviour. She felt the same butterflies in her gut and she nodded.
Chan turned the lights off. Only source of light in the room was the moonlight. Both of them lied down on the bed facing each other. Y/n's heart beat fasten looking at the boy in front of her. He was looking ethereal even in the dark. He was the most beautiful person in her life. Everything about him was perfect.
"What did my parents ask? Did they say I made a mess in the meeting?" Chan asked worriedly in the room filled with silence.
"You have to think only positive things Chan. Negativity is unhealthy.. Don't worry they did not say anything like that. They..they are happy that you are improving.."
"Really?" his eyes sparkled making Y/n go crazy.
"Hmm." Chan smiled at her answer. She smiled back and Chan's heart did a back flip.
"You look beautiful."
Three words caused to girl to fluster. She didn't know how to react. Chan didn't mean to say in a particularly way but she was out of her mind. Blushing made her cheeks turn red once again in the dark room.
Chan himself didn't know why he said that but he felt to say it. He tried but failed to control his words.
"You have to sleep now. You must be tired." she said not wanting to get more fluster now.
"You are also tired. Good night Y/nnie."
Y/n's heart beat increased more at the way he called her. She couldn't take anymore fluttering so she quickly turned around facing her back to Chan. "Good night Channie..."
"I wish both of you to come back again soon." Chan's father said. Y/n and Chan decided to go back to Chan's house. All of them wanted to stay together but unfortunately they have to leave.
"Once I get well I will come back dad." Chan replied.
He was more than happy when he knew his parents will meet him often and also they are super happy to have the old Chan back in just few weeks.
"Y/n thanks again." Chan's mother held her hands.
"Aunty don't need to thank me. It's my job and I will be so happy once Chan will be fit and fine again." she said.
"You are such a nice girl Y/n." his father stated and Y/n smiled. Once they were done greeting goodbyes, all the bangs hugged Chan and Y/n. Chan finally felt loved. Y/n kept her promise.
"Byee.." Chan and Y/n waved and Chan started the engine and drove off.
"I am so happy Y/n!"
"I know Chan." she shook her head at the giggly boy next to her.
Once the reached his house they went to handle their own business. Chan's office work was as usual hectic. And now that his parents were happy with him, Chan wanted them to make more happy and for that he was over working again.
"Chan come on!" Y/n shouted from the downstairs for the fourth time to call him for dinner. "That ass is overworking again." she stomp her feet towards his room.
"Oi Chris!"
"Oi Y/n." he replied not even glancing at her.
"Food is ready!"
"Few more minutes." again he was typing and staring at his laptop. Y/n sighed.
"Your parents are happy that your health is improving but see what you are doing! Skipping meals! Chan get up or else I am calling your mother!"
"She gave you her number?"
"She did!"
He sighed and finally looked at Y/n. "Fine let's go." Y/n smiled and linked her arm with his whilst he was saving the work he did on his laptop.
They ate the dinner talking about random stuffs. That day, Chan didn't spend much time with her that's why now Y/n wanted him to stay.
"Chan let's watch movies!" she suggested once both of them finished washing dishes together as usual.
"Sorry Y/n but I have wor-"
"Don't you dare say 'work' it's over work! Should I call your mot-"
"Fine." Chan now know she will be using his family card on him.
Here's your second update ;)

-Obsessed || Bang Chan-
Fanfiction"If the world turns back on you, I would turn too and yell at them saying thank you for leaving because they don't deserve you" "You should just go with them. I am worthless" "You are invaluable." Chan was a mess, and only Y/n could help him and mak...