How Time Flies

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Y/n would spend the night reading the various books the headmaster had, some interesting him more than others by how compelling they sounded. There were the tales of the two brothers, a man with two souls and a few others he didn't get to finish reading by the time morning had arrived. Even through the silence of the night, he'd think of the new opportunities Beacon would present to him, as well as about the headmaster himself. The appearance of his office for example, showing giant gears from the ceiling and the state of his room. It was organized, tidy and had his belongings easily accessible if he ever required something.

The ghost child did crack a smile after hearing the man yawn, stirring from his slumber. "Good morning sir, did you sleep well? Since I don't ever feel restless I took the time to familiarize myself with the books you have. Although I couldn't even go through half of the shelf, some of these have been very interesting to read."

"Good morning to you as well y/n. Thank you for giving me an answer as to whether you would require sleep or not." The man smiled, rising from the bed and fixing it to be neat and tidy. "You are more than welcome to finish them at whatever pace you'd like. Now, as we've discussed last night you are free to explore the premises of the campus at your leisure while I give my staff a notice in the case they see you so they are not alarmed. If you happen to meet my assistant by the name of Glynda Goodwitch, have her escort you to her classroom. When she doesn't assist me in sorting through some of the paperwork I have, she runs her class that teaches combat. It would do you well to pay attention to her and memorize any flaws in your fighting should she point them out."

"Of course sir, thank you again for letting me be here. Ah, I don't think my siblings would have ever imagined I'd be attending a Huntsman academy, much less before they could. I really do hope I'll see them again and how much they'll grow." The boy closed the book he had been glancing several words over, shelving it back with the rest he had finished prior. "When would it be safe for me to take a look around?"

"Allow me to send a message through my scroll first and then you may freely explore. Oh, and you may leave your rapier here if you wish. It would allow you to move around without a bit of a hindrance no?" Ozpin chuckled, taking his scroll from the desk near his bed.

"Right, I'll be looking around so I won't need it for today I think. It'll definitely be safe here in your room professor." Y/n nodded. After Ozpin notified him that he was free to go, he wasted no time shrinking in size and phasing through the wall to begin his day of understanding the sheer size of the academy. It would certainly take up most of the day to learn where everything was, but with a mind like his it was crystal clear in where everything was after he sorted it all. The main structure itself was home to the classrooms with four different floors, each corresponding to a grade level with the higher the grade the higher the floor. It also came with a very large cafeteria in the first floor and the hallway that would lead to the elevator that would take the students to any of the other floors or to see Professor Ozpin in his office at the highest point of the building. It also had a library that was accessible to both students and staff, even having computers that would be ready for use.

There were other Wings around it where the students would live in dorms that came with four beds, most likely indicating they would share a team of some sort to have four random students sharing the same room for four years. The first Wing was home to the first and second year students. The second was for the third and fourth years, and the third was made specifically in use for transfer students only so it wouldn't be used for some time yet. There was also the large courtyard that had many benches to admire the scenery, a fountain in the middle that was certainly nice to look at, and lastly a statue close to the entrance of where the hallways would lead to the first year classes.

It depicted two people and a Beowulf, with the male holding a sword over his head in a declaration of victory most likely. Overall the academy was very large and had a charm of warmth to it that the one in Atlas very much lacked. Well, not that he could physically tell since he was an incorporeal being, but he digressed. After nearly taking most of the day to learn the premises, he would go around and personally meet and chat with the professors of each grade level, starting from the bottom and working upwards from there. Some did stand out more than others either by their looks or by their personality. In regards to the first year teachers, there was Port, a man who seemed older than the rest and had a proud way of speaking when it came to himself. A bit of an ego going on with the man, but nothing out of the ordinary apart from that.

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