The First Step part 1

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Through their brisk walk to the amphitheater, y/n got to know that after his unfortunate fate, it had broken the family more than ever. Weiss would cry herself to sleep, Winter would blame herself over and over for not being able to save him, Whitley cried the most and became even more reclusive since the brother he loved so dearly and had a special bond to, was gone and their mother, to no one’s surprise, became an even worse alcoholic. Weiss had spent an entire year mopping before she has gotten her act together, in her own words, and began to train, mimicking Winter’s moves at first before she had gotten Myrtenaster and indulged in her own self training mostly. Her motivation came not just from wanting to get away from that household, but to avenge her brother and become a Huntress so that no else would have to suffer like he had. It was a very noble and admirable goal to strive towards.

In exchange, y/n had told Weiss of him meeting the General/Headmaster of Atlas and from there was suggested to go to Vale and has been in Beacon ever since. In his time he decided to change his name from Willian to y/n thanks to Ozpin so that he would feel comfortable with his new life here, but he said he was more than fine with her calling him by his original name if that made her happy. He couldn’t tell her about his four years and how he befriended every teacher and staff, getting to know them by a first name basis despite still being a child. Not only that but he would not dare bring up the time he had to steal his weapon, but he dreaded having to address it when the time came, she’d eventually have to know when she saw it. Sure he had paid the person back but it was in secret, having left a note with a small amount of Lien to pay for it around a few months afterwards. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to keep talking with his sister, but since he had to give a small speech himself since he wanted to, he had to go through with it.

“I wish we could keep chatting sis, but I have to get ready to make a little speech after the headmaster gives his. You can wait for me after we’re done and I’ll happily show you around the place!” Y/n smiled sweetly as he held her hands, showing that he never did change from how she remembered him.

“It’s okay Will- I-I mean y/n, go. We have time, and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay by your side always little brother, and even though you’re a ghost, I still won’t let any harm come to you. I failed to protect you once, I won’t fail again.” She gave a determined gleam in her eyes. She was going to make it up to him, it was only right. No one else would take him away from her, no one.

“Hey, hey it’s alright Weiss, I’ll be fine. Though it is sweet you worry over me still hahaha. Hopefully this is as quick as every year before this one.” He chuckled and embraced her. He then parted ways with a small wave of his hand, floating away towards Ozpin and Glynda on stage. “I think that makes just about every new potential student. So, are we ready to go Professor?” He asked as he faced the crowd.

“Indeed we are young y/n, though I still am rather curious on what words of wisdom you will shed onto them.” The man chuckled as did he, earning a playful eye roll from the combat professor beside them. He then stepped forward and cleared his throat near the microphone to stop the chatters amongst the students and gain their attention. “I’ll…keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. However, I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step. However, before I allow my assistant Ms. Goodwitch to wrap up, a special guest and member of our staff would like to share a few words with you.”

Y/n nodded to him as the man stepped back, moving over to the microphone, gazing into the sea of humans and faunus alike. His gentle smile would form after spotting his older sister. Even though he was a tad nervous, a perk of not being alive meant he couldn’t actually feel nervous since he didn’t have a beating heart that would mess with his nerves. “Thank you Professor, now as to what I wish to tell all of you. Before me I see many individuals with many backgrounds only they know of, potential hardships that few or no one else are aware of. Here at Beacon Academy, we are all people, we all share the same feelings, whether we’re human, Faunus, or in my case, spoopy ghost child.” The last bit did get a few giggles and chuckles.

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