The First Step part 2

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So far each student was using their own method of going across the skies to land safely into the forest, well...all except for Jaune who went ragdolling and screaming for his life. While he did feel bad, he had to admit, the sight was a bit funny. "Now I get what you mean professor." He chuckled. Still, it wasn't against the rules to help someone else with their landing strategy, so if by some miracle he didn't have one, someone would probably save him. Probably.

Ozpin smiled while Glynda rolled her eyes at the comment. With them officially starting, he looked down at the multiple camera feeds open on his tablet, likewise with his assistant.

Each one monitored a different section of the forest and could be enlarged or minimized to either focus specifically on one or view all at the same time. Things would certainly become interesting with this year's batch of students.

Meanwhile with Ruby Rose, the young silver eyed girl came to a halt, kicking up dust and dirt by the time she came to a complete stop. The reason for her sudden stop was her eyes locking with that of Weiss Schnee, an awkward silence lingering between the two.

Weiss was clearly showing some distain with her turn of events, but remembering her brother's words, she would be willing to give Ruby a chance at a possible friendship between them to work. So she sucked up her pride and any negative thoughts and exhaled, approaching the girl. "Look, I doubt I was the first person you wanted to run into, but we don't have a choice and we can't change that. So, instead of either of us complaining, let's get a move on to find those relics as soon as possible and head back to the cliffs, alright?"

"Oh, r-right!" She nodded, thanking her "normal knees" in her head that there wasn't any issues between each other, at least not at the moment. She would then tag alongside Weiss on their trek onward, but from the looks of it neither one knew exactly where to head to, so they would eventually get lost.

Despite the two girls being paired up by the rules, Weiss didn't actually make any attempts at starting any conversation with the young Rose, so the very much awkward tension was still there. Ruby didn't feel comfortable so she would clear her throat and smile nervously, hoping to get to know her partner a little more. "So Weiss...uhh, you and y/n are related right? Uh, how was spending time with him yesterday?"
Weiss really didn't want to answer, but pushing back her slowly building frustration, she replied as they walked. "Yes, as we've stated before he is my younger brother. We spent yesterday catching up on personal matters, but I will say I did enjoy his company and seeing him be happy. Why do you care exactly?"

"O-oh, well...I just want to be friends with him, and you too. Look, he...talked to Yang and me last night, and he was really hoping for it too. He didn't want to say why and we didn't want to ask because it sounded very private and we didn't want to be rude or make him uncomfortable. Plus he's really nice, and if you and I got along, he'd be happy too, right? I know that he really cares a whole lot about you."

Weiss sighed as she took a moment to stop, Ruby doing the same. Of course she had to word her statement in such a way she couldn't say no, she couldn't hurt her brother in any way, shape or form. She didn't want to upset or disappoint him, especially since she was the older sibling. "I won't ask what he told you or why, but...I don't ever want to hurt him, ever. If wanting us to get along is what he wants, I'll do it, but for myself as well. I know if I only do it for his sake he'd never be happy with me, and I don't want that after not being in his life for so long...after believing and seeing what I did that night...Just, don't slow me down and we'll be fine."

Ruby understood that there was constantly being referenced a past between the two that wasn't going to be shared or touched on more than bits and pieces. It seemed that no matter what, it was a very touchy subject, and knowing a little bit about how ghosts even exist, she could make a vague assumption about what could have happened to Weiss' brother. "I won't slow us down, you don't have to worry about me." The two shared a passive glance, seemingly agreeing without the need of words before they continued onward. The pair wouldn't take long before they'd bump into trouble, that being a pack of Beowolves that quickly circled around them to cut off their escape route.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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