A Welcoming Snowflake

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Y/n made his entrance through the walls of the office, retaining his childlike smile as Ozpin was pouring himself another cup of hot chocolate. “Hello professor, I just came back from my break today in Vale. Is everything ready to go for tomorrow? I did just bump into Glynda on the way back, though not literally of course, so I was curious.”

The man chuckled as he returned to his desk, taking a nice and refreshing taste of his beverage. “All is going well y/n, she no doubt mentioned that I asked her to retrieve a few things for me. You have undoubtedly made great strides in your time with us here, so are you ready for this year’s batch of new students? I may just say that unlike the previous years, this one’s have proven to be the most interesting so far.” He smiled in return, mentioning his review over the applications that had been submitted, one being of a certain Schnee that interestingly enough decided to apply for his school and not James'. Though he would not mention this to the boy as a welcoming surprise gift that he more than has earned for him lending a helping hand.

“Hm, I think so, made some nice friends from the last four years and they did say they would keep in touch from time to time, if I have my scroll on me anyway ehehehe. Anyway, yeah I’m interested in seeing who we’ll have as this year’s freshmen, but knowing how hard the entry requirements are with the initiation, how many relics you use every year and how many dorm rooms there are, the number that do stay isn’t quite high so I’m expecting some really good talent. Will you also have me face some of them once classes start in Glynda’s combat lessons? It was fun last year with me having to handicap myself and I’m pretty happy with my current skill progress.”

“Perhaps, perhaps not, time will tell young man. Though I do agree that you have become sharp in both mind and in the blade thanks to her lessons being most effective. For someone of well, your “current” age, you are undoubtedly one of the most skilled if I may say. Despite taking the advantage of not being able to be harmed by conventional means, you do not use any form of long range attacks or Dust, only pure skill with your weapon. If I were to personally gauge your current level, I’d say you’d range between a third or fourth year student’s level. You’re not quite there just yet in being a Huntsman, but you are certainly getting quite close.”

“That’s enough for me professor, especially since I had no prior teacher before Glynda to help me find my footing and get better. Still, one day I’ll get to show my siblings how far I’ve come since that day, and I’ll keep on training no matter what. I know so much from my time being here with you all, and I certainly won’t let that go to waste. Heheh, but if I can, is it alright to ask for a small request?” The ghost boy asked with a smile.

“Oh? What is this request you have in mind y/n? I’m all ears.” Ozpin hummed. The request being that if he could be allowed to say a few words of his own during the speech that was planned for tomorrow in the amphitheater. While all the staff and teachers knew about him, not all the students did until the word spread throughout the campus, it started since the second year of him being there since he couldn’t hide forever, but he didn’t mind since Ozpin had requested that this knowledge does not go beyond the walls of Beacon. Naturally many were eager to interact with the boy, some remained impartial to the knowledge of his existence while others were either too shy or afraid and didn’t approach him. Since he was an official member of his staff, he saw no issue with the request and granted him full permission to do so, as long as it wasn’t anything bizarre.

However, just before he would give the boy the clear to go ahead into his private dorm, his scroll buzzed to notify him of a message. His inquisitive look over it interested the boy, with the headmaster turning the device off and rising from his seat. “It seems Glynda needs me for a matter downtown in Vale. Do not fret, she’s not in any danger, so we shall return shortly after this has been addressed y/n. You may wait here for us if you’d like or you may turn to your studies or "ghostly training", as you call it.” He grabbed his cane and walked to the elevator, smiling. “Though I believe I should make a quick pit-stop to the bakery and buy some cookies.” The last statement was made intentionally to leave the boy puzzled before he left. Though on the silent ride down to the first floor, he stroked his chin in thought. “So it would seem your daughter has taken an interest to fighting crime Summer...perhaps fate is still on our side if I play my cards right.”

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