It Hurts

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"Jennie, this isn't a winning back project. It's stalking!" Jisoo shouted in a whisper.

"We're not stalkers! We are just following her." I corrected.

"You're ridiculous Jennie, did you know that?"

"Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment." I smile at Jisoo sarcastically before setting my eyes again on my target.

What are we doing?

Well, we are just checking what Lisa is doing. Jisoo and I are hiding behind the tent where Lisa and her team are staying.

Lisa, well, my Lisa is busy editing some photos, I mean my photos that she took the last few days. And my heart jumps with joy, because one, most of the time her focus was on me, she mostly need to follow my every move, so she is there wherever I am. One advantage for me to win her back. More time with her.

Second, is because the same as number one, her eyes are mostly focus on me. Every hour of every minute of the day. Of course I made sure that I was paying attention to every detail that she is doing. To let her know that we are not just working, but my attention belongs to hers too.

Most of the time, I intentionally look at her camera. And I may or may not show some flirtous glance to her. I kinda hate her sometimes. She is not even bother with my presence, or she's really doing a great job hiding it. I should give her a round of applause because that pisses me off. She acted like we did not kiss that day, not to mention how intense that is. I know that she like it too, that she wanted that kiss too. That gives me hope too that maybe, just maybe she still have feelings for me.

She pisses me off but I am not giving up.

"You can't win her if you're just gonna stand here and watch her." Jisoo said while checking her nails beside me. I only roll my eyes to her and went back staring at Lisa. There are multiple times I saw her editing her shots, when we are still together. And everytime I watch her back. A busy Lisa is something to watch for. Her back screams sexiness and her messy hair tied into a bun adds more to it.

I always love watching her like that. So engross with something she like. The way she bit her lip whenever she is not satisfied with her work.

This was always the things that I miss. This is one of the things a lost.

I sigh, there is no time reminiscing the past. I should focus on winning her back.

"Unnie, please watch Rosie for me. I'm coming over to Lisa."

"Be quick, the shoot will start in 30." I nodded and we both separate our ways. I signaled the others inside the tent to go outside and they silently walk out. Lisa is still engross with her work that she didn't notice her staffs are out of the room. I stood beside a metal drawer and lean my shoulder on it and continued watching her with arms crossed on my chest. I can't help but smile. Lisa is really beautiful. I am so stupid for letting her go.

A few minutes more but she still didn't notice that we are only the ones inside the tent. She was focused on one of my photo with a fierce look. This one is the scene I took on pool, my hair is slightly wet. I was wearing a white sleeveless dress with only a thin strap on it. Lisa scratches her head before leaning back on her chair.

"I'm having trouble editing this one." She said. Eyes still focused on the screen of her laptop. I decided to play along with her since she still didn't notice me

"Why? Is it not good?" I replied, looking at my photo too. To be honest the shot is good. It's a lot better than the real one when I was on the scene.

Lisa hissed and bit the end of her pen. "No, actually it's the best. I'm having trouble if I should edit or not. She looks stunning here. She is a natural. So gorgeous." My smile widen. She didn't even recognize my voice, plus she is complimenting my photo in front of me. I tried to suppress my giggle and continue to play along.

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