I Thank Poseidon (Part 2)

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I paced back and forth inside the small room of the resorts office. I've been like this for the passed 48 hours. Restless, sleepless. I can't remember the last time I took a bath!

The office door opened and I face the staffs with full of hope.

"Any updates?"

"Ma'am, we still can't find the two. But we are doing out best to search for them." The man spoke apologetically.

"What?! It's been 48 hours! What are you guys doing! Who knows what might happen to my friends!" I am becoming impatient. Jennie and Lisa are still missing. It's been two days! I wanted to cry. I specifically told Jennie not to ride the god damn boat! Why is she so stubborn! Ugh!

"Jisoo." Roseanne called, sitting in one of the couches. She pulled me beside her holding my hand. We haven't settled our feelings since the two are missing. We focused on finding them and never got the chance to talk about it. But ever since that day, Roseanne and I never leave each other. We stay together all the time, and we even sleep together.

Roseanne looked at me, trying to calm me down. She was as worried as I am but she manage to keep her calm. "I'm sorry. I was just- I'm worried Roseanne. Our sisters are missing for 2 days now."

The Australian girl hugged me sideways, pulling my head above her shoulders while carefully stroking my hair with her other hand. "I know Jisoo. And I am too. But panicking won't do good to us. I'm sure they are doing their best to find them. Trust them. Besides, Jennie is with Lisa, if they are together I know my sister will take care of Jennie. Trust me. Okay?"

I sighed. That calm me a little bit. I looked at the man still standing on the door and giving him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. Please do your best to find them. Please." The man nod and walk out of the room. Roseanne continued caressing my hair.

"Rest for a while Jisoo. You haven't slept." She's right. I am tired, my head aches. Roseanne started humming a song and I felt the heaviness in my eyelids.

God, please take care of those two.



2 days ago...


Too hot.

Why is it so hot? Is the AC not on?

Too bright. Somebody close the curtains.

My hands started searching for blankets, or pillow. I can't open my eyes due to the brightness. I tried gripping my sheets, what's this? It's ... grainy.

I jolted from my position when something cold touches my feet. Slowly, I tried opening my eyes, but the light keeps blinding me. I place my arms above my eyes. I tried sitting down but my body aches in different areas.

What happened?

Squinting my eyes, my vision started to adjust from the brightness of the place and an endless water welcomes me.

What the hell am I doing in front of the sea?

"Ouch!" A sudden pain took over my head. My palms pressed lightly on my forehead hoping the maybe to ease the pain. Memories of travel flashed inside my head.

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