Friendship Day

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The Busan journey went by pretty fast. Surprisingly calm, no butterfly, no flirty ramyeon. It's just us.

I kept Lisa and Rosie company during their project that cause confusion to others. They kept asking why am I even there? The Jennie Kim lurking in Busan for some unknown reason. The news spread fast when some fan posted a stolen picture of me sitting around the place.

And the next day...

News Flash! Jennie Kim of YGE spotted in Busan. Is the princess up for another project?

And later on that Nabi girl approaches me fuming mad because I stole her spotlight.

And it's my fault? I'm just sitting there, how did I stole her spotlight? Geez. It's not my fault I'm more attractive than her. (Insert roll eyes 😂)

And also, there's this Jisoo who wants to kill me. Don't ever show your face because I'll surely beat you to hell Jennie Ruby Jane Kim! She's just so adorable isn't she?

Eventually, the whole stay in Busan is more than ok. I got to see Lisa everyday. Cuddle with her. But still, sexually frustrated. Because the famous Roseanne Park keep on barging whenever we are trying to do some nasty things, her words not mine. It's just really sad and I need her. Too bad whenever we reach our rooms, Lisa will be knocked out, sleeping. But I understand. Surprisingly.

We are back in Seoul after her last shoot in Busan. And as expected, Jisoo killed me. With her rants and whatsoever, nevertheless attended my schedules. I am busy looking for something to wear for the meeting with one of brands I am going to endorse when my phone lights up.

1 New Message.

I forcefully open the notification and rolled my eyes. It's just the group chat.

PowerPuff Gays. Who the hell invented this group name??

KangSeulgi: yow yow gays!
BaeIrene: what now bear?
KimJisoo: I'm not reading this. 😑
KimJennie: I'm outta here. 🙄

Are we really friends?

KangSeulgi: oh c'mon guys. Don't you guys have any idea what day it is?
KimJisoo: Not even a tiny bit.
BaeIrene: shut up kang.
KimJennie: I don't care. I'm meeting up Lisa, bye.
BaeIrene: wait Lisa's here??
KimJennie: wdyc? 🙄
KangSeulgi: cmon guys notice me!

BaeIrene added LalalalisaM to the group.

KimJennie: What the f Irene-unnie??
LalalalisaM: hey guys!
BaeIrene: Lisa hi! I missed you!
KimJennie: hey Unnie! Will you stop! Lisa is mine!
BaeIrene: what Jennie? I just miss our friend!
KimJisoo: here comes Jealous Jennie.
KimJennie: Yah KangSeulgi! Contain your flirt girlfriend!
KangSeulgi: and now your talking to me.
LalalalisaM: hehhe babe cmon, we are all friends. Okay? I love you 😘 btw imissyou all guys
KimJennie: awee i love you too hun 😍 did you hear that Irene unnie?
BaeIrene: uh, no. I read it. Hey Lisa! Lets hang out some other time!
KangSeulgi: whipped
KimJisoo: 2
BaeIrene: 3
KimJennie: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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