Soon To Be

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I stared at the shiny object on my ring finger. Hanging my hand up in the air as I smiled widely. The thing is so beautiful and I can't just remove my gaze on it. The light from the window of the café I am siting reflect making some small rainbow reflection. I sighed dreamily as I remember last night. Oh I am the luckiest!

"You are weird, why are you weird?" Jisoo asked, stirring the coffee on her front.

I sighed again as I stare at the ring on my finger. "Am I?" I smiled.

"You're creeping me out Jendeuki. Whats wrong with you?"

"Unniiiiieee~" the birds in my stomach keep flapping their wings. Sorry, I don't believe in butterflies. Butterflies are annoying, if you know what I mean.

I dreamily cup my cheeks, running my fingers on it. Jisoo brows furrowed as she stare at me.

"What?" I groaned. Why is she so smart but so slow? I showed her my finger and her eyes scan it.

"Oh why did you remove your nail art, it was kinda cute tho." Really? I gave her a bored look and she just 'what' me again.

"I am not talking about the nails unnie. Look at my ring!"

Jisoo raised her brows and grab my hand. "If you just tell me in the first place what you meant then I won't guess."

I rolled my eyes and smiled again. "So? What can you say about my ring?"

"It's nice, where did you get that? Though you are not into diamond rings. But it's beautiful." I face palmed myself. Really, how can this girl my manager? For a really smart person like her she's dumb.

"Lisa asked me to marry her unnie and I said yes." Jisoo continued to stir her coffee.

"Oh ok, that's nice." Long pause.. "Wait what????"

"I said Lisa asked me to marry her-"

"Whaaat?? When???" I rolled my eyes.

"Last night-"

"Why didn't you tell me!!"

"Will you please stop cutting me off and let me finish?? That is why I am showing and telling you right now." I said a little annoyed.

Jisoo's open and close like a fish as she comb her her with her fingers."Oh my God- why?"

"What do you mean why? You're offending me. Am I not deserving to be married to Lisa??"

"Aniya aniyaa that's not what I meant." She said, waving her hands in front of me. "Give me some details. Come on fill me in."


"I know it's not the right time Jennie. But I want you to know something." Nervousness flushed into my system. The look in Lisa's eyes told me its something serious.

"Do you still have the necklace I gave you? The one that I got from Japan?" I nod and pull the necklace under my shirt. Lisa unclasped the locked and brought it to my hands.

"Lisa what's wrong? You're making me nervous. Are you breaking up with me?" Lisa release a soft chuckle and smiled widely.

"No, its nothing like that. It's actually the opposite." She ran her finger on top of the heart shape pendant. My gaze followed every move and my heart pumps so fast. Lisa push something on the side of the pendant and it made a click sound.

"Open it." I curiously follow what she said. It's a locket pendant. Why didn't I noticed it.

The locket slowly opens and a little shiny thing showed inside. I gasp as I realize what that shiny thing is.

Lisa picked the thing and held it in front of me and tears started to fell.

"This wasn't the ideal time to do this. But you are ignoring me, you are being distant and silent. I was waiting for the right time to do this. But you are so stubborn and won't stop worrying about what happened the other week. So I have to do this now."


"Not now Jennie. Let me finish." My lips are pursed into a thing line as I tried to stop my tears from falling.

"Jennie, I know you for so long. So long that I know every single thing about you. Even your blink tell me something that only you and I can understand. If that made sense. You've been part of my life since day one and I can't imagine living my life without you. I always picture you, as the first person to see when I open my eyes in the morning. And the last person too, when I close my eyes at night."

"I'm not really good at this, I just want us to be together for as long as I live. Jennie, marry me. Marry me and make me the happiest girl in the world, marry me and be with me for the rest of my life."

I didn't answer and just hugged her, so tight that I don't want to let go and claim her lips. I poured all my emotions to the kiss, the fear of losing her, anger to myself and the overflowing happiness. Lisa broke our kiss, both of us panting.

"Jennie, say something. Do you want to marry me??" I chuckled ay Lisa's question, she surely a hopeless romantic. But I love her.

"I'll marry you. I'll marry you Lisa! Yes yes I'll say a thousand yes!" She put the diamond ring on my right ring finger kissing it before claiming my lips again.

"So all this time, I am keeping my the engagement ring. God you're so witty!"

End of Flashback~

"And then Lisa an I fucked each other that night, I think that was the best sex of my life."

"Alright enough enough. Spare me with you sex life, you don't have to include that to the story." Jisoi said, covering her ears. "I am happy for you Jennie, really. But you can't marry this year or the following years. You know that."

I sigh. I really wanted to be married immediately to her. But I also know that we can't right now. Lisa and still have a lot to settle.

"We talked about it last night. We are settling things, and Lisa and I both agreed that we can't marry not until my contract finished. And she said she understand everything."

"Plus you can't announce to the public too that you are engage now. Especially to Mr. Yang. We don't want him to sue you for breaching the contract." I nod and promised Jisoo that it will remain a secret to the three of us. I don't if Rosie know will surely tell her soon when I get the chance.


The following weeks had been pretty busy for Lisa and I. She got more project as well as me. Tv ads, tv show appearances, talk shows and reality shows. It was tiring, but at the end of the day, it all washed away when Lisa and I are together. My future wife.

Lisa also sell her studio in NY, it was shocking. But at the same time relieving. She wanted to settle here for good. Now i am sure she won't leave.

Rosie was sad, and a little bit disappointed of Lisa's decision, but she understands and wishes us nothing but good luck. She on the other hand was eager to be my sister in law, and excited to have nephews and niece. Lisa and I never really talked about having kids. I want to. But we can talk about it some other time. For now, we are focusing on our careers, and that happily cherishing our life together as soon to be wives.

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