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The sight of a beautiful Thai naked on my bed welcomes me. Her milky and smooth shoulders exposed under the comfortable duvet that is crumpled due to our excessive, you know, exercise. Her brownish hair scattered on the pillow, the scent lingering on it. My finger automatically stroke the brown locks of hers, removing the scattered hair on her face.

Lisa stirred from her comfortable sleep, her pointed nose slightly scrunching due to the contact and I smiled at the scene.

A wonderful scene.

Slowly, Lisa opened her still drowsy eyes, revealing her beautiful hazel-nut brown eyes and a smile tugged on her lips once her eyes landed into mine.

"Good morning love." Lisa said, snuggling closer to my chest. "You smell amazing." My heart jumps in joy because of the endearment.

"Are you going now?" Lisa asked as she entangles herself to me. I immediately miss the warmth.

I pouted, which rarely happen. People know me as the serious one. But this side of me only reveals when I am with her. "I don't want to babe."

Lisa smiled kissing the tip of my nose. "You're cute. But you have to. We are four days delay for your project, we can't afford any more delays baby."

I sighed. "I know, it's just so hard to leave your side right now. Plus your head is aching. What if you need something."

"I will be fine baby, it's just a headache, probably because of the wound I get from the accident. I'll just sleep on it. I'll call my team to assist you for your photoshoot. I'll let Rosie accompany you, she knows my team. Don't worry ok?" Lisa assures, before kissing my forehead.

"Okay, call me when you need anything. I'll be right back here as soon as the shoot finished." Lisa nodded and smiled. "I love you babe, so much."

"Me too." Lisa said in a serious tone.

And she gain a slap from me, on her arm. "Lisa!" The annoying creature laugh. But her laugh sounded so beautiful and can't help but laugh also.

"Just kidding babe, I love you the most." Then she kissed me. It was just a peck but I pull the back of her head to deepen and prolong the kiss.

It was slow and passionate at first, but I am eager for more. I wanted more from her. I slowly straddled her waist, my knees on either side of her waist, pushing her down on the bed as I sit on her belly and her large and smooth hand landed on mine, holding me in place.

I can never get enough of her kisses. I can't believe I let this go just for the fame and name. The naughty side of me kicked in. My tongue glided on her lower lip, asking for entrance which she immediately open that allows me to explore and taste everything in her. Lisa sucked the whole of me when she sucked my tongue. It made me moan and my body involuntary grind on hers.

Lisa's hand started to roam on my body, starting from the side of my breast, rubbing her thumb under it and it glides down back to my waist down to my butt. My body was on fire right now, and Lisa's hands and mouth are like fuel adding more to the burning sensation I am feeling.

A moan escaped when Lisa suddenly grope my butt, making my head fall back. Lisa take the opportunity to sit, attacking my neck, depositing kissing on the exposed skin of my neck. Her lips roam to the base of my neck up to my jaw, while her hands finally found its way inside the gray sweat pants I am wearing. I sighed as I felt her warms hand made contact on my bare ass.

"Lisa. . ." I breathe. I needed more. I want more. My moans are muffled when her lips met mine once again. And then I felt her move, and before I knew it, Lisa is already standing on the floor, making me wrap my arms and legs around her. I felt her move, but I didn't pay much attention as I continue to suck her lips and tongue.

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