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Alinda's POV

Frozen.... Shock is really a funny name when you understand the name for the meaning and in this moment I knew exactly the meaning. The word in terms of someone being shocked is really a metaphor and that metaphor can change into being literal. So shocked that even physically it seems i got shocked by an electrical current and i'm stuck in the final stages of it at that. I couldn't move and i definitely couldn't breath. Now at one point one would become unshoked and deal with the reality of it all but that was seeming incredibly impossible for me, i honestly couldn't move or get my lungs to open up and everything started looking alot less clear . I could see Elena's mouth moving but my ears completely shut off somehow and i dropped like a hot potato, everything going black. 

Father's POV

Alinda Alinda Alinda..... ohhh baby girl why do you keep trying to get awayyyy from me!

My only child.... all i want to do is love her in my own way but of course it's just like kidsss to run from their parents love ugggh.

I pulled up to this nice ass mansion where alinda has been staying. Im her father, of course i knew where she was at and where she was going. My late wife clearly will always have my side hmmm even when they die at your own hands, what a love. 

I walk up to the door and knock and of course Alinda opens the door.

Father: "hi doll, i came to get you and take you home lets go" i said, im staring at her and im realizing how much I really missed this girl i want it NOW

Elena: "Umm hi you must be a friend of Alinda's she'll be back soon im her sister elena" she reaches to shake my hand, i didnt know she would be a twin sister hmmm i might take her with us she is so sexy and nice.... i like nice maybe she wont do all that running Alinda does

I take her hand and leave it with a kiss and respond: "yes im her brother she texted me the address this morning nice to meet you... Elena"

and as she allows me to step inside to wait two men come from the huge staircase arguing before looking at me and shutting the fuck up. 

Guy: who is this elena, why do you keep inviting people here with out saying anyyyything at all" he glares at me, i laugh knowing i could break his jaw with just two fingers, little boy...

Elena explains who i pretend  to be and now I'm waiting until my doll arrives 

                                                                   ~40 mins later~

My gift... my last token of love... the second love of my life.. i need her back i will have her back. I think to myself as i watch her sleep, stroking her face and i can't help but to feel her soft lips.

Elena: "who exactly did you say you were to her again because that didn't seem like a ..happy.... fall out" she asked me with a raise eyebrow hmmm ill have to teach her some respect!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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