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Alinda's POV
" I'm sorry , I don't know why I told you all of this . I never wanted anyone to know😔" I told Elena as she climbed to the front seat of my car.
"No no no , it's ok . I won't judge you or pity you, you have just as much value as anyone else here" Elena says as she gives me a hug
I start crying uncontrollably and extremely loud but out of happiness and thankfulness.
Elena : heyy hey what's wrong
Me: no one has ever made me feel.... like I was worth something, thank you Elena.
Elena: what are sisters for right 😁
We both laugh and start to head back to the house.
Alinda : OH WAIT, my bags hold on
Klaus: it's already been taken care of love
I look at this man curious as to why he's so nice to me then I realize, he wants me just as father wanted me. I have to stay away from him .
Alinda: thank you 😓
And I walk into the large house quickly.
Klaus POV
Klaus: why did she just act that way?
I asked Elena confused
Elena: uhhh , I'm not sure maybe she can sense your evil
Klaus: your quite annoying you know that
I say as I walk into the house .
I heard Elena giggle as I treat myself to Damon's bourbon 🥃.
Damon : glad to know you've made yourself at home
Klaus: yes well i-
Caroline: Damon could you not be a dick for once, leave her alone
I get out of the chair and walk towards the rest.
Damon : ohhhh come onnnn Elena your not really going to believe that sob story of hers now are you ?
Elena : damon I'm warning you .......
I look at Alinda who is scared and completely confused . Men must really scare her I will have to be gentle .
Alinda: "how- how do you know , you where no where near us?"
Damon stakes a step closer towards alinda and she starts to get intimidated and her heart beat increases rapidly.

Damon : you hear that people? She's hiding something! Her hearts beating ridiculously fast
Damon says annoyed by alinda

Caroline : well obviously it's a sign of PTSD and or Anxiety, thank you Damon .

i knew i liked her for a reason... sexy and smart

Damon: "you pulled that one right out of your ass didn't you? Ok Elena even if she is your .... long lost sister why now? Out of the blue? I'll tell you why, it's because she wants something !!! Can't you see that? For all we know she could be a Demon or something ."

Everyone else watches from the couch as Alinda is stuck in place scared and totally confused.
Klaus: this is ridiculous! Clearly the poor girl is just scared and confused and looking for a relationship with her sister!
Rebecca: niklaus is right damon, leave the poor child alone .
Damon: oh people if you two show that you "care" your definitely behind all of this !
Klaus: fine, compel her then.... go on...
Damon starts to look Alinda in the eyes
Damon: what are you hiding
Alinda eyes dilates and she says "me.... Im hiding myself from everyone I've ever known . No one knows the real me"
Damon : and what's the real you

Alinda: "I'm broken, unable to be fixed. Damaged and unloved since birth I have one shred of hope left in hopes to be loved by a family"

Everyone looks sad.... heartbroken ... I feel a connection as I too felt this way many times and still do .
The Scooby-Doo gang all get up and begin to leave feeling like they have invaded Alinda's privacy . Saying their good byes to everyone and the girl .
Alinda: why did I say that ?😟 I- I should go , I'm gonna go.
Alinda says as she begins to make her way to the door 🚪.
Elena : it's okay Alinda. Forget about telling us all the personal things you've shared today expect with me know that you felt open enough with me to share that 😊.

wow leave it to elena to do good even while using vampire powers .. got to give it to her   
Alinda: um so where am I sleeping?
Elena shows her to her room and we begin to leave but before I go I zoom to her new bedroom .
Klaus: Alinda I-
Alinda : what what do you want? Please no
She bags back against the wall, Ive never seen someone so scared of me and for her to not even know of me it scares me .
Klaus: no no no I'll never hurt you I promise you love . I just wanted to tell you ..... to always keep hope. Good night
Alinda : Klaus ... is it ?
Klaus: yes love
Alinda: thank you , I needed that . Can I ..... have a hug?
Klaus: ummm sure if you want .
We hugged and something about it seemed so real and pure love . I've never felt this way out of my thousand years of living and falling in love ..... is this love? No it can't be it's just a nice hug...
Alinda : thank you Klaus , will you be my best friend ?
Klaus: sure Alinda , here's my number
I put my number in her phone and she texts me . I save her number and walk down the stairs .
Elena: That was.... kinda of you ...
Klaus: it's not polite to listen in on others conversations love...
Elena : well when evil is in a room with your long lost broken twin I find an exception
Klaus : here we gooooo
Elena : BUT I guess your not so bad after all, good night Klaus .
Klaus : we will continue to work on finding that cure tomorrow! Good night Elena , Stefan , Damon .
I walk out the door and decided to walk home , like a weak little human for the first time in years .
I walk up stairs to check on Alinda and as I open the door I see she is sound asleep, so I go to my room as me and Damon are not on the best of terms and get ready for bed .

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