A bestie day!💛

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I'm running as fast as I can, but I'm not fast enough. He catches me and cuts the side of my rib cage with his razor blade
I kick him in the face and he falls back and I get up and run as fast as I can and then my mother comes out from the side and hits me in the face with a skillet pan, my nose starts to pour out blood as I fall face first on the floor in pain!
Father: "get your ass over here, you wanna fucking run from me and fucking fight me back??!!!" He lifts my shirt up while on top of my back and cut me from my shoulder blade to the top of my waist as I scream for help from anyone outside that can hear me, but no ones outside at 2am 😔. He drags me by my hair into his room yelling all the things he's going to do to me for not laying still when he woke me up to have a "good time" ... I cry as I wish I was dead and lay in his bed as he gets his 230 lbs body on me and yanks my hand to touch his 8 pack and forcing me to kiss him .
Father: "I'll take it slow baby girl if you show daddy some love"
I start to kiss him back and hold his face gently, anything to make him go easy on me.
I open my eyes and stare out the window, watching different birds fly by as I sink into a dark pool of thoughts and memories. I begin to cry and I get up and walk out into the balcony and sit on the cement floor. As I stare at the pebbles on the floor a bird lands next to me , not just any bird a Crested ibis. My previous darkened thoughts leave my mind as I slowly bag back to get my phone , I open the my FaceTime app and call my bestie.
* doo doo doo doo doo doo doop. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doop*
Klaus: "uh your the first person to ever video chat me I was confused on why I seen your name with my face showing up on a camera"
Alinda: "wait huh I'm the first- oop never mind look at this !"
I flip the camera to show him the Crested ibis bird
Klaus: "oh wowwww what I've only seen that bird two times in my life times in England and in Jamaica, that's sooooo strange"
Alinda: "I know!!!! I've never seen this bird before in my life and right after you draw it and show me , here it is !"
Klaus: "hey Siri , take a photo of my screen!"
Alinda: "bestie that's not how yu say it and it doesn't work when your in a call💀"
I laugh at him while taking a screen shot of it myself .
Klaus: "well how to you take a photo of my screen??!"
Alinda: "well it's called a screen shot and I already took one I'll show you later how to work your phone old man but I'll text you I want to take photos of it before it flies away!!"
ME !!!"
Alinda: "will do bestie!!"
Klaus: "bye best !"
"Bye best!" I say as I hang up The video chat
Elijah: "who are you and what have you done with m brother ?"
Klaus: "oh brother don't start with your shenanigans!"
Elijah: "our sister has show me this.... live video on Facebook of you and Alinda being .... friendly ... what's gotten into you ?"
Klaus: "what live video on what?"
R.M: " here you go nik, take a look at this"
Rebecca lends me her phone and I start watching a 30min video of me and Alinda being complete fools and me not understanding I was being recorded the whole time.
Klaus: "how did you get this ? Who all has seen this ? How did I not know I was being filmed"
R.M: well nik, it's called going live and she posted it on this Facebook app and Caroline being into this whole social media thing shared the video and I'm friends with her so I saw it and from the looks of it because of Caroline sharing it, 1,000 people have seen it so far and 3 others have shared it from our high school good thing they don't know who you are brother ."
Klaus: well than .... I guess it's not that bad 🙄alinda is stubborn anyway she wouldn't delete it even if I asked .
Elijah: and you won't ... force her to take it down ?
*klaus gets a text message from : best friend 💕: one image*
Klaus: "one moment"
*opening message:

*klaus texts back : that is stunning love! Amazing work and beautiful bird I can't believe you seen one**the two watches their brother in shock as he texts who they both knew to be Alinda*Klaus: ohhh no, I don't want any more ice cream on my faceI...

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*klaus texts back : that is stunning love! Amazing work and beautiful bird I can't believe you seen one*
*the two watches their brother in shock as he texts who they both knew to be Alinda*
Klaus: ohhh no, I don't want any more ice cream on my face
I laugh as they watch me in shock
Klaus: "what ?"
Elijah: I think this girl is changing you brother"
Klaus: "no, of course not! I would kill anyone who walks through that door no matter who they be brother, this you know"
*Alinda burst through the doors*
Klaus: BEST FRIENDDDD!!! The bird oh my god I couldn't believe it , you didn't tell me you where into photography!
Alinda: ah well you didn't ask!
Klaus: how did you know where I liveddd!!?
Alinda: well since you don't know how to work your phone when you opened my message to look at the picture somehow you shared your location with me with out noticing so I thought it would be funny to just pop up 😂😂😂"
Rebecca and Elijah look at them blatantly completely confused.

*klaus texts back : that is stunning love! Amazing work and beautiful bird I can't believe you seen one**the two watches their brother in shock as he texts who they both knew to be Alinda*Klaus: ohhh no, I don't want any more ice cream on my faceI...

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Alinda and Klaus: "What?"
~ time skip~
* Alindas POV *
Me and my bestie walk into the grill and as he tried to sit at the bar I take his arm and pull him towards the back in a booth where the lights are dim.
I take out my iPhone and go live on Facebook naming it : bestie dinner date!!💛

Klaus: why don't you want to sit at the bar?!
Alinda: BECAUSE!!! There's no privacy and I have a feeling we are being watched !
Klaus laughs at me knowing I'm playing and I start acting like I'm a cop
Alinda: " yeaaaa two teenagers caught at the bar drinking beer, we have a code 29 , over * pshhhcaaaa!*"
Klaus: "LMFAOOOOO did you just make the walkie talkie sound!!!!???"
Alinda: " well yes sir I did- over - ppshhhhcaaa"
Klaus: " your a clown but yes I see the two kids , I suspect that Donovan kid that works  here is responsible for this , over - PPSHCAA"
Klaus says in an American accent which kills me 😂😂😂.
"Welp, I say we play good cop bad cop and bust them ....... over"
Klaus: "yea well-
Alinda: "PPSHCAA.... sorry I forgot to do my sound effect, over- ppsshhcaaa"
We burst out in laughter as Matt comes over to take our order
Matt: hey Alinda nice to see your having a good time *looks at Klaus* klaus...."
Alinda: "thanks matty... BUT me and my uhhh partner over here uhh "cookie" saw you and ya boys giving those under aged teens alcohol! - over-PSSHCAAA"
Matt laughs and asked wth was I doing with his face
Klaus: "where going to have to turn him in  - over. PSHHHCAAA"
Alinda: "agreed but let's not let him know that until after we eat.... over- psshhhcaaa"
Alinda: I'll have a gyro with extra sauce and fries matty
Klaus: and I'll have the same with a sprite
Alinda: copy cat and I want a sprite too..
Klaus: bUT you just copied me too
Klaus says in a low voice : hypocrite...
Alinda : " what was that sir ?"
Klaus: HUH oh nothing I said nothing 😁.
Me and my bestie eat our food while telling jokes and talking about people that was in the grill for a good 3 hours, me turning off my live video halftime way through and then he drops me off at home.
As I walk through the boarding house with the biggest smile on my face it slowly drops as I see four people in the room....
Elena , Damon, Stefan... and...

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