Nightmares 😱

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Boy1: come on Alinda just do it
Boy 2: yea stupid don't be a lame ass bitch
Boy 3: it's not that bad, just wrap your hands around it and suck like a sucker
Boy 4: you guys are such pussies, you have to make her do it duh. Come here
Boy 4 drags me by my hair as I scream no and the other boys laugh ,
Boy 4: take off your fucking clothes even though you have no titts , NOW
I start to take off my clothes and he pushes me on boy 1 and he pushes my head down on his penis and I get mad and bite it .
Boy 4: Ik what a make her behave fellas ,mark hold her down. I'll go in through the front and Ken you can do the back. Hmmmm I know she's tight . I cry as they shove themselves in me and i scream as loud as I can ...
Elena : "ALINDA ALINDAAAA WAKE UPPP" Elena shakes me and I wake up gasping for air, she looks at me as if she had seen a ghost I look over to see the brothers in the door way looking very concerned even Damon .
Elena: it's ok , it was just a Dream
I cry into her shoulder as I repeatedly say " it's not it's not it's not" rocking back and forth.
Elena : it's ok, here drink this water.
I take the glass and drink the water and wipe the sweat from my forehead and lay back down. As they leave and thinking I'm asleep I keep picturing that night and many others....
Two hours later it's 3am and the daydreams are over I get out of the bed and make my way to find Elena's room. I open a door to see a sleeping damon and closes the door I walk down further and open the door on the right seeing Stefan watching a movie on a what seems to be 80 in flat screen tv and he looks over at me and gets up making his way towards me turning on the lights and I bag back a bit.
Stefan: "look I know we just met and you have a problem of trusting in people but if you ever need to talk I'm here , Elena's room right across" he smiles and I smile back and say goodnight again and go into Elena's room and she's asleep.... I get under the covers and curl up in a ball in front of her feeling safe with her and I begin to doze off to sleep.
~ time skip~
I stretch popping my bones as I smell bacon 🥓 in the air and I open my eyes and start to slob a bit , I get up and realize Elena's gone . I make my way down the long stairs and turn into the kitchen to see damon cooking with a white towel folded over his shoulder, hesitant to say something I speak .
"Uh- good morning damon" I say kind of low but he turns around with a smile and says "good morning Alinda , hungry?"
Alinda : " yes please"
He sits a plate in front of me with 4 thick fluffy pancakes, 3 slices of bacon, eggs, grits , and toast . I look 👀 shocked.
Damon: what? Never seen a man cook before 😂 well dig in.
Alinda: no, never seen a man be nice and cook for me . Thank you .
Damon: ......look ... I-I know things didn't go over smoothly yesterday and I apologize for that I really do, I'm not the nicest person especially to new people . Hope I can be forgiven ....
Alinda : hmmm all's forgiven . Have you seen Elena ?
Damon: yes her and Stefan left for school about two hours ago she didn't want to wake you you seemed to be sleeping well. But I have something to tend to , you good here by yourself ?
Alinda : oh uhhh - yea sure.
Damon : I'll be back in about an hour or so here's my number if you need me shoot a text or call and I'll be on my way🙂
Alinda : aw ok, thank you
Damon leaves the house and I continue to eat my delicious breakfast 🥞.I hope he can be trusted.
30 mins later I'm in the living room watching supernatural , which is the best show ever Firstttt of allllllll !!!! But I'm getting a bit lonely and when I'm lonely I start to have thoughts not so good thoughts so I take a risk and call Klaus, my new bestie, which is so strange to me to ever have befriended a male but he seems trustworthy in the end and there's something about him idk.
*ring ring ring ......... ring ring ri-*
"Hello love, what's going on?"
"Hey nothing kind of bored , what are you doing ?"
"Painting , one of my passions what is it that you are doing ?"
"Hmmm what uh.... what are you painting ?" I asked him a bit nervous to talk to him.
"A beautiful bird , a rare bird called the Crested ibis"
"Wowwww , sounds beautiful!"
"I sunt you a photo love"
I check my messages seeing a text from : klausy 💕: one image
Opened :

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