Coming to Mystic Falls😮

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Alinda's P.O.V

My mom died just two days ago, but I'm happy because now I ammm free😩😁, kind of .
You may wonder why I'm so happy for the death of the woman who brought me into this world. Who cared for me, loved me, raised me and filled my life with  joy so unimaginable. But truth is, none of that is true. I was adopted by this woman when I turned 10 years old, but not because she wanted a loving child around to care for. You see, she only adopted me because she wanted to please her husband's " needs" and for the money, of course. Did you know that money is not and was never the root of all evil? exactly... the bible says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil not the literal money, SO herein lies the truth of it all, yet again, the problem is the humans it never was the money hmmm, anyway. She took me home on October 23 ,2002 . And I can't say every since then my life has been hell because even before that my life was hell! After dealing with just an ounce of what I went through, a person would go numb and that I have. It seems as though my entire being is always in a daze mainly because i am trapped in my mind most the time being forced to replay trauma and at this point i've no reaction anymore, truly numb. Don't get me wrong when it hurts it hurts... bad , days where I want to end it all because i can't take that tugging on my heart for much longer. The Anxiety it creates.... why does it always feel like my body is fighting so hard against me. But you realize inorder to stay afloat you can't drown in the reality of it all for too long... so you shut it out until the next time it breaks through and feel it all over again like new because you don't give your mind and body time to correctly deal but tbh it takes alot more from you and i don't have much more to give so ill keep that...Just shut it out. 

Today I was going to this town called Mystic falls to meet my twin sister, Elena Gilbert. .  Yes, I have a twin and only two days ago I found out. Not sure how to really feel. But we are doing this because somehow there's always this dumbass hope that strings up and no matter what happens to me, how damage i become that string of hope sends me flying over all things. And it usually ends with more pain and heartbreak but call me dumb because i refuse to take that bit of life out of me seeing its the last I have left.  I was left a note by my adoptive mother telling me who my real family was. How I was the daughter of a woman named Isabel Fleming and a father named John Gilbert also leaving John's number . That same night I called John/dad to speak with him and he told me about Elena. Anywho, I'm not going to bored you with how it all came about . Today , I'm going to leave my " father " and go to Mystic falls! Anything is better than here.

I'm almost done packing when my "father " walks in...
"Hey Alinda , so what are you packing for ?" He asks while walking up to me rubbing the side of my arm up and down. My breath stops, hands clammy.
" I'm going to see someone in Virginia" I say sacredly, while moving slowly away from him.
His attitude changes rapidly and I can see this is not going to end well for me. I start backing up and he follows with a pissed off expression.
" I've told you for years not to try and leave me , and this is what you do ! You stupid girl!" He says standing directly in front of my face whistle spit flying all over me.. what a dick.  I don't know what to say or do so I just think FUCK IT and run for it . But he's faster and catches me and whispers in my ear.
"You know when you try and run you make things worst " he says and laughs evilly.
"I'm so sorry , please don't I won't do it again! Please" I beg while stuttering at the same time .
" oh I'll have to teach you a little lesson then huh?" He says throwing me on the bed. At this point I start to cry which I know he hates and makes him angrier but I can't help it.
" you know i hate it when you cry" he yelled while jumping onto me.
"Please, please, please, pleassseee don't " I saying struggling to hold in my sobs . But he doesn't listen like always and he rips my shirt open and rips my bra off too roughly bitting my boobs making me scream out in pure pain.
" shut the fuck up bitch !" He says slapping me in my face I know that's going to leave a bruise.
He then takes off my joggers and panties and harshly begins to finger me ,and I put my hands over my mouth from screaming .
" you know deep down you love this😏" he says while smirking coming back up to me . Then he sticks his penis in not caring to be gentle.
~ 30 mins later ~

He lays on my bed asleep snoring . I slowly get up and there's blood everywhere . I hurry and go to the bathroom and wipe myself clean and taking some pain pills before grabbing my things and getting into my car never to return, EVER. We don't think on things we couldn't control, life is life its a bitch then you die . Luckily I live not that far from Virginia , so I drove there instead of a plan. I had a matted black mustang one of the things, only things, that make me happy, CARS!

Yep! as materialistic as it gets! lol

I sat driving in my car to Virginia crying my heart out

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I sat driving in my car to Virginia crying my heart out. I thought to myself .... I'm so broken and alone . But yet a new life awaits me, regardless of if my sister and I get along well or not i have to take this moving opportunity... it makes me feel bad feeling like im just using this person to escape but its all with the good intentions of my heart ill be okay, dont over think it. i talk to myself alot one of the effects of everything that's happen i guess but i definitely over think even more. Lets drown it out with music...

Alinda: *plays Drake shuffle*

Alinda: " Did i... DIDDD IIIIII.... DIDDD I LOOSSSEEE YOUUU,, dunnna dun dun dun dun dunnnnn dunnnaaa dunnnnnnnnnnn" she sings as she cries.

About 7 hours passed and I'm in mystic falls . I called Elena and told her I was here and she asked me to meet her at a place called mystic grill and luckily I was there . I got out and walked in were I was locked eye to eye of a girl who looked exactly like me ....
I had a twin sister and I felt a tear drop down my face. And in that moment, all the pain went a way for just a moment....

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