•Part 31•

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When Sasuke and Hinata got in the tub, Hinata put her head back so it can rest on his chest.

"So what happened? Who tried to kill our child?" Sasuke was angry but spoke calm towards Hinata.

"The elders sent a man to take our Daisuke, bring him to them, then they'll kill him. They said they don't want the "hybrid" to grow up stronger than all of us. So they wanted to get rid of him" Hinata started getting mad.

Sasuke held her. Then she cried.

"Well, at least that won't happen again" Sasuke kissed her head.

"Who do you know?" Hinata asked.

"Well you killed them duh. Look at the blood on you. And, are you ok from that??" Sasuke checked her whole body to make sure she wasn't hurt.

"Yeah. I just let hate consume me and couldn't stop"    Hinata had a few tears running down herself.
"Am I a bad person for that, Sasuke-kun?"

"Of course not Hina. I would have done the same" Sasuke nuzzled his face into Hinata neck and just stayed there for a bit.

"Okay Sasu" Hinata wiped her tears and enjoyed the silence.

*knock knock* "Hinata-chan are you alright now?" Itachi didn't walk in but he asked from the other side of the door.

"Y-Yes Itachi-nii" Hinata spoke, still startled from the knock.

"Alright. Goodnight guys"

"Goodnight" Hinata and Sasuke yelled from inside the bathroom.

They heard Itachi walk away.

Hinata let out a deep sigh "Scared me"

"Same here" Sasuke sighed.

Hinata looked at Sasuke and kissed his cheek.

He grabbed her so she can face him and kissed her on the lips.

He moved down to her neck and started kissing her.

She was now sitting on his thighs. Chest to chest.

Hinata was trying to hold in her moans.

Her body is more sensitive. They haven't done it since before Sasuke left.

He noticed how sensitive she is now so he starting teasing her.

One of his hands was wrapped around her back side while the other was playing with her nipple.

He bit her shoulder and left a mark.

Hinata buried her face into Sasuke's neck. She was clinging onto him and trying not to moan.

She felt something hard against her belly and gasped.

Sasuke grunted when she leaned more on him.

He grabbed her butt and brought her more closer to him.

"Your body changed" he smiled.

"Yeah, having a baby made me chubby plus making my chest bigger now. And i have stretch marks. " Hinata said in a low voice.

"Hey. I love all of it. I think you still look sexy. I'm glad your not skinny skinny. And, I think that your curvyness is really sexy. Your stretch marks are beautiful too. Don't ever think I don't like any of it" Sasuke grabbed her face and kissed her everywhere.

Hinata giggled and nodded.

"Hinata, can we please do it? I've been waiting forever" Sasuke continued. "If you don't want to it's fine" he smiled at pat her head.

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