•Part 37•

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*Here's some yoasobi. if you don't listen to them DO IT PLEASEEE. THEH GOT GREST ASS MUSIC BRO. not one song is bad. Just amazingness right there 🖤*

It's been 6 weeks and Hinata's still in the hospital. When the man kneed her in the belly, he messed her up pretty bad. She has migraines all the time. They know it's because of the punching. He was punching her head mainly.

There was a few times where her heart stopped beating for a few seconds. But the past two weeks she's been ok. She can go home in a week if she wants.

Everyone visits her all the time. But when she starts getting a headache they leave. She can't stand loud noises anymore. She's lucky she has a quiet family.

Naruto and Obito are loud people so for Hinata, they talk quietly.

If someone being loud Sasuke scolds them.

Speaking of Sasuke, him Daisuke Souta and Haruka come by everyday almost all day.

Sometimes it's just Sasuke and Souta, but they all miss Hinata.

Sasuke misses her and her cooking. He can't sleep at night because she's not there. And he has to take care of three kids by himself. He doesn't know how single parents do this all the time.

Suigetsu and Jugo came by a few times to see how Sasuke was doing. They felt bad for Hinata, so they visited with Sasuke and Souta.

Hinata was happy they came to see her. She wanted to be friends with them when Sasuke came back all them years ago but they were doing their own thing.

They're actually really close. Some confuse them as a couple but they just have a really good friendship.

They still couldn't believe Sasuke has a wife and kids. They believed it but he was so 'Sasuke' as they say.

They said they'll come visit again when Hinata's home. Sasuke brags to them about her food all the time, so they can't wait for that.  

Hinata wants to go home. She misses being home and being around her family.

She hates all the white in her room. It's too plain and hurts her eyes.

At least she can see her family everyday.

*Knock knock*

"Come in" Hinata said.

"Mamaaaa" "Mommyyy" Daisuke and Haruka ran to her. They both climbed on her bed and cuddled with her. She held them tightly.

"Hey Hina. How are you today?"Sasuke asked holding Souta.

"I'm ok Sasuke-kun" Hinata held her arms out for Souta.

Sasuke walked to her then gave him to her.

She held him and looked at him.

"Did he eat today?" she asked Sasuke.

"No. You can now if you want. He's gonna get hungry soon" he went and sat next to her.

Hinata pulled down her gown a bit then started breastfeeding.

If Souta didn't eat at home she'd usually do this. She don't want him starving.

Daisuke and Haruka were hugging her legs. They missed her so much. Even though they just seen her yesterday. They always miss her.

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