•Final Chapter•

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*If you haven't watched this anime you need to. It's on Crunchyroll and it's great. This song is amazing too. He pissed me off a few times but they're cute <3

Ok. I lied. I'm running out of ideas officially so I might end this chapter here.

DONT WORRY GUYS IM GONNA MAKE MORE AND MORE STORIES. I have lots of other ideas that just ain't for this story aight?

Anyways, enjoy*

"Hina, come on" Sasuke called for Hinata.

"I'm sorry Sasuke-kun. I just don't wanna see my baby go" she wiped her tears.

"Mom i'll come visit soon okay?" Daisuke kissed her cheek. "Plus you got the rest of us here. I'll only be gone a year. It'll go by fast i promise"

"But, I don't want you to go" Hinata hugged him tightly.

"I love you mother, i'll be back in a year ok? I'll write you a lot" Daisuke hugged her back was backed away slowly.

"You promise? I don't want you to get killed sweetie. Your only 18!" Hinata cried more.

"Mom, i'm not gonna die. I'm one of the strongest ones in the village. Because of you and father we're all super strong. I won't die. I promise"

Hinata stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

"Alright baby. Go before I hug you more" Hinata walked to Sasuke who hugged Daisuke bye.

"Be careful" Sasuke smiled.

"I will I will" Daisuke went to Haruka, Souta, and Himawari then hugged and kissed them bye.

Hinata gave Asuka a hug and kiss goodbye.

"Uncle Naruto, Itachi, and Shisui are waiting for you at the gate ok?" Hinata smiled.

"Okay mom. I'll see you guys later. I love you"

"We love you too" Sasuke smiled. He wrapped one arm around Hinata's waist.

Daisuke started walking away with Asuka by his side.

"Hinata, don't cry please. They're just gonna be in the cloud village for a bit. Only a year. They're going to train with Asuka's cousin alright? Omoi is a great shinobi. He'll teach them a lot" Sasuke kissed her head.

"Yeah i know but i don't want to see him go. I want him to stay with me forever" Hinata covered her face.

"I know hime, but it's only for a year" Sasuke sighed.

"Your right. If he comes back injured i'm killing you" Hinata gave him a death glare.

"H-Hime, don't stare at me like that" Sasuke put his hands up defending himself.

Their kids laughed at them.

"Want me to kick your butts too?" Hinata looked at them smirking.

"N-No!" they all stammered.

Hinata giggled then headed inside their house.

"Hima, help me make dinner ok? We're having Kushina, uncle Deidara, Yui, Nanami, Misaki, Hiroto, Kei, uncle Itachi, aunt Izumi, and I think that's all" Hinata let out a deep breath. She said that all without breathing.

"Ahh, okay" Himawari skipped towards Hinata smiling.

"Boys, could you get everyone in 30 minutes?" Hinata asked all three of them.

"Yes mother" they all said.

"So, you guys wanna train?" Sasuke asked stretching


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