•Part 33•

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*I KNOW THATS SAUSAGE BUT WERE GONNA ACT LIKE THATS DAISUKE OK? He's practically Sasuke's twin as we know. Just has byakugan in one eye*

Be prepared for a big ass time skip

Daisuke is now four years old.

Hinata and Sasuke are now 21 and have another child. His name is Haruka. He's two years old.

And Hinata is pregnant again, with another boy.

They haven't decided the name yet but he's due in a month.

Oh and did I mention they have their own place? Hehe you heard right. A house in the Uchiha compound a little farther away from the rest of the family.


Naruto and Karin ended up getting married and having a baby girl. She's one year old and her name is Kushina.


Itachi and Izumi are happy together. They have a child. His name is Kei. He is 2 years old.


Deidara and Yui are currently dating. They live in Konoha but not in the compound. They're currently working on having a child soon.


Hinata and Ino got Shikamaru to finally date Temari. They've always liked each other but didn't wanna admit it.


Kakashi and Obito are doing great. Kakashi got them a house by the compound. AND they're planning on adopting a kid soon. Someone who doesn't have a mother or father and someone who needs love. They get to watch Daisuke and Haruka when they want. So they just want a kid of their own.


The village is expanding. Gaara and Naruto have showed peace to the whole world.

A lot of people from other villages live in Konoha and many other villages.

Kurama and Naruto are now friends. Kurama goes on and on about the Uzumaki clan and his experiences with them. Karin and Naruto always love to learn more about their clan.

Kurama told them about Mito Uzumaki and Hashirama. Then Madara. It was an interesting thing to talk about.

-At Sasuke and Hinata's house-
"Daisuke, Sasuke, Haruka, come on let's eat lunch!" Hinata called for them.

They all were quiet people. They don't like loudness. They can all tolerate Naruto and Obito though, since they're family. Karin ain't that bad either. Hanging around Hinata made her not as loud as she used to be.

She didn't hear them coming down the stairs but she heard Haruka laughing. She smiled widely then went upstairs.

"Boys come on let's eat" Hinata smiled at her most favorite people in the world.

"Ok mama" Daisuke started getting up. Sasuke grabbed Haruka and stood up smiling.

Sasuke rubbed her belly then kissed Hinata.

Daisuke loves to see his parents like this. He just loves how much they love each other, so he smiled brightly then ran downstairs to the kitchen.

Hinata and Sasuke went downstairs too. Sasuke helped her walk, his arm was wrapped around her waist. And his other arm holding Haruka.

Hinata wobbled to the kitchen and got all of them some food.

While they were eating, Daisuke scarfed down his food.

Daisuke ran up to Hinata, hugged her legs, then gave her a kiss on her belly.

"I'm going to see grandma and papa" Daisuke ran out the house.

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