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"Mrs. Hyu-Uchiha, Mr. Uchiha, your baby is ok. He's really healthy."  the doctor smiled at them.

"Really!?" Hinata exclaimed.

Sasuke gave him a dirty look since the doctor almost called her Hyuga.

"I-Um.. anyways y-yes, your baby is healthy!" the doctor tried to avert his eyes from Sasuke.

Hinata let out a deep sigh "thank goodness"

"Alright now, what's his name?" the doctor handed Sasuke the paper.

"Hmmm" Hinata put her hand on her chin thinking.

"Hina, what about Souta?" Sasuke asked.

"Hm! That's a great name Sasu!" Hinata smiled widely.

"Alright, Souta it is" the doctor let Sasuke finish writing the name down then took the paper back.

"Miss. Uchiha" the doctor handed her the paper.

"Mrs. Uchiha" Sasuke corrected him in a nonchalant manner.

The doctor shivered then quickly apologized.

When he left to go get the baby, Hinata slapped Sasuke's side.

"No need to scare him, Sasuke-kun"

"Yeah? He had it coming. I'll go get everyone now" Sasuke kissed her head.

"Okay Sasuke-kun" Hinata smiled.

When Sasuke got to the waiting room he saw Neji, Daisuke, Haruka, Itachi, Shisui, Naruto, Hanabi, Kakashi, Obito, and Karin.

"Sasuke! Is Hinata-sama alright??" Neji ran to Sasuke with panicked eyes.

"Guys, come on" Sasuke said walking towards her room.

Everyone quickly followed.

Soon as they were about to walk in Sasuke stopped them "I need you all to be quiet ok? Don't be loud" Sasuke picked up Daisuke while Neji was holding Haruka.

Everyone quickly nodded.

Soon as they walked in they seen Hinata holding the small little infant in her arms.

"S-So tiny" Shisui stared in awe.

Sasuke took Haruka from Neji and sat him on Hinata's bed. Daisuke was still in Sasuke's arms.

Sasuke sat in a chair next to Hinata's bed with Daisuke on his lap.

"Everyone, this is Souta Uchiha"

Everyone was blown away. He looked like the perfect mix of Hinata and Sasuke.

Souta opened his eyes and stared into Hinata's eyes. She smiled then kissed his head.

His eyes were different, one eye was gray while the other was Hinata's color. It was very interesting to them. All of their kids have two different color eyes except Haruka. His were black.

"Only one person at a time" another doctor came in this time.

They all didn't listen so they stayed where they were.

"Hey. We're gonna kick you all out if you don't get out now!"

"Do you really wanna try that?" Hanabi was about to attack him but Neji held her back.

The doctor said stay for a few minutes then leave.

Well that was good enough for them.

Everyone sat on the ground and everywhere. Enjoying the beautiful scene right in front of them. Kakashi and Obito had to leave to take care of Sakura. Plus Obito was having bad baby fever.

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