Chapter 1.

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Boston, Massachusetts January 15th, 1887.


I wanted to keep my musings to myself for just a little while longer before I had to tell my husband that I was expecting our first child. Elijah and I have been married for the past six years, and in all that time, we were disappointed time and again with the failure of no pregnancies happening in our married lives. But knowing my mother-In-law as I do, she would want the whole town to know before Elijah would get the chance to be aware of it.

"Sarah? Sarah!!, you dammed little twit, were you even listening to what I was speaking about?" She said as her nasally voice screeched in my ears. I cringed and wanted to rub the annoying ache caused by her screeching to just go away, but that would be bad manners and she wouldn't allow me to forget it. I silently nodded and raised my head to look at her, "Yes, madam, I heard you. It's still too early to even announce this joyous occasion. I want to be a little more cautious for just a little while longer. The baby is not even stable yet, we must wait these next three months for my child to develop further." She hmphed and sneered at me. "I don't know why my precious boy even married you! You're too stubborn for your own good, if only I could turn back time, I would have stopped you wedding my son, then I wouldn't have to deal with you or see you on a daily basis!"

 "Neither would I!"  I said in my head. Though I was trying my best to tune her out, her constant complaining was quickly destroying the shield I had placed in front of my heart, Then that last comment she whispered loud enough and that brought me out of my musings was the final crack.

That is it! 

I have had enough of her insults!!

Why am I even allowing myself to go through this mental turmoil? I used to have a backbone, and I never allowed myself to be dragged in the mud so to speak before I married. I scolded myself mentally but stopped myself from getting too angry, I had a duty now as a mother, to safeguard my child. If I allowed my temper to get a hold of my emotions, there's no telling what I would do to that person I sorely hated.

What was so precious about Elijah? Granted when we first married, I was ecstatic to be Mrs. Sarah Downing, but then soon after the honeymoon phase quickly dwindled, I felt something wasn't right about my husband. It was right after our wedding night. Our marriage bed was consummated but then Elijah rolled right off of me and he refused to touch me intimately again. It was as if, our blissful wedding night went up in smoke. He cast me aside as if I was detestable to him. Soon after my feelings for him began to wade as well.

The only time we were ever intimate, was when Elijah would have an argument with his mother or he got aggressively drunk. So It's no wonder that I became pregnant now, he's been bedding me constantly in a state of drunkenness for the last several weeks, night after night. I never enjoyed those nights, it felt too rushed, and he hurt me each time. It was starting to make me feel disgusted with the thoughts I had about love when I was younger. Was true love even real?

There was also this nagging suspicion that Elijah's newest employee, Mr. Daniel's was a little too friendly. I mean I didn't have anything against him mind you, but it seemed liked Elijah preferred his company rather than mine. I tried to not let it bother me, but still he was MY husband and like it or not, I was stuck with him. I sighed heavily and leaving my mother-in-law's presence, I quietly walked up the stairs and entered my bedchamber. That's another thing that bothered me. Why did we have separate chambers, wasn't every married couple supposed to share, and have one singular chamber?

My parents have been happily married for the last fifty-two years, and throughout those years, not once did I see either of my parents have their own room!

Suddenly I heard a sound coming from next door, which also happened to be Elijah's room. Odd, I thought he left early this morning for the office. When did he return? I tip-toed closer and closer to the adjoining door and pressed my ear to it. At first no sound came forth, but then there it was. It sounded like a pleasured moan, something you hear from yourself when your enjoying each other in bed. Could it be my mother -In- law's chamber maid? I overheard a rumor once, that Missy had a understanding with the butler, and that sometimes they would sneak off and have several relations in many of the empty rooms. I ceased my loud breathing and listened again. The moaning sounded male in tone, there is no way. It couldn't be, I knew that sound of voice, I knew who it came from...,

Taking a hold of the handle, I quietly turned the knob and yanked open the connecting door, there I stood in shock.

And there was my husband and he was not alone. I could forgive a mistress, but what scalded my eyes was the image of Elijah having sexual intercourse with his newest employee... Mr. Daniels!!

"Eli..., ELIJAH?"

After calling out his name in a shocked manner, I spun around and ran out the doorway and even though I heard Elijah screaming my name constantly, I knew that I had to escape this house. So disregarding everything in my path or line of vision, I made my way down the stairs and headed towards the front door intending to gather my hat; coat; and gloves. Just then, Marilla, my mother-in-law blocked my path.

"Sarah! Where do you think your running off too? Can you not hear your name being called, you stupid child?" I rolled my eyes, and shoved her aside, "Please not right now Marilla, I have to get some fresh air and a change of scenery before I faint. Get out of my way! Both myself and your precious angel needs some time apart."

I stressed out to her. She stood in my path in righteous fury with her mouth hanging wide open.

Pushing her aside, I gathered my coat and hat from the butler who stood by the door and just as I had my hand on the door handle, she spoke again.

"What about the baby? Are you not going to announce it to Elijah?" I cringed inward mentally, and placed my hand on my slightly raised stomach, and closed my eyes to the pain of my heart breaking further,

"Believe me, he wouldn't care." I said, as I walked through the doorway and went outside.

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