Chapter 7

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*one week later*

Deans room was now complete. He'd bought a new comforter and sheets. These ones blue. He took off the wallpaper and painted the walls an off-white and plastered band and movie posters he'd collected over the years from floor to ceiling on the wall beside his bed. He'd decided to leave the rest of the stuff how he found it. A wide smile spread across his face as he pounced on the bed, stretching and falling asleep, exhausted from all the work he did.


Dean woke up at 7:32 in the afternoon when his phone started blaring at full volume. He let out a groan and attempted to make out the number through his sleep-hazed eyes. When he saw it was a number he didn't recognize, he pressed the talk button anyways because he figured "Eh, why not?"

"Hello?" He croaked out, his throat dry from sleep.

"Dean?" Someone panted on the other line.

"Uh, yeah?" Dean questioned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Dean it's me, Castiel." The person, Dean now knew was Castiel, said through deep breaths.

"Cas, what's wrong?!" Dean demanded, suddenly awake and alert.

"Crowley. And. His. Gang." Cas wheezed and coughed and took deep fast breaths.

"Where are you?!" Dean was already throwing on his jacket and putting on his boots.

"Behind The Jungle. It's a bar a few blocks from where you live."

Then Dean heard someone in the distance. He couldn't make out who it was or what they said, but as soon as the distant voice was heard, Cas muttered a quick "Shit." Before the line went dead. Dean pocketed his phone and ran into the living room.

"I'm going out." He called to Bobby, who was making dinner.

"Be back by midnight." He called back. Dean grabbed his keys and dashed out the door. He got to The Jungle in about 3 minutes. Adrenaline pumping through his body, he pocketed his keys and walked to the back of the bar. When he got there, the sight was terrible. Cas lied in a heap clutching his head while Crowley repeatedly kicked him. Dean narrowed his eyes and walked up to Crowley.

"Hello, Winchester." He spat, taking a break from injuring Cas. He signaled to his friends (Some guys he'd seen hanging out with Crowley around the school. Alistair and Azazel.) and they made an attempt to get ahold of Dean. Dean, however, had fought many fights, so he knew what to do. He thrashed his head back, head butting Azazel. Azazel grabbed his head instinctively, realizing his mistake too late because Dean had already delivered a hard blow to Alistair's head, knocking him out. Dean then kicked Azazel in the jaw and he staggered backwards, falling to the ground and grabbing his jaw. By the time Crowley made his way to Dean, he was already ready. Dean grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back, forcing him against the green tin wall of the bar.

"You will not lay a finger on him. You understand that?" Dean snarled into his ear. Crowley risked a chuckle.

"You're gay for that little fag, aren't you?"

Dean balls his free fist and twists Crowley's arm even more, cutting his laugh off, replacing it instead with a sharp wince.

But then Dean smiles. A wide wolfish grin. And then says "No. I'm not, as you so rudely put it, 'gay for that fag.'. That's disgusting. You know why it's disgusting? Because a fag is a cigarette butt. And who would want a relationship with a cigarette butt. I mean, can you imagine, ew. I am, however gay for Castiel. Or rather, bisexual." Dean says, oozing confidence. He lets Crowley go and punches him in the nose, hearing a crunch and blood gushes out soon after. Crowley brought his hand to his nose and then back into his line of vision, staring at his bloody hand in disbelief.

"You'll regret this, Winchester." He snarls at Dean and walks over to Alistair and Azazel to wake them up. It wasn't until Crowley was walking away with them that  Dean shouted back "Yeah, we'll see." Crowley just snickered.

As soon as they were gone, Dean rushed over to Castiels side and assessed the damage.

"Hey, Cas." Dean smiled down on him.

"Hey." Cas weakly smiled back.

"Where does it hurt?" Dean asked.

"My chest. My belly. And a splitting headache." He coughs then winces. Bruised to the bone, no doubt. Dean picks him up and cradles him in his arms, carrying him to the Impala and gently laying him in the back seat. He gets in the front, then, starting it up and driving. It occurred to Dean that he didn't know where Cas lived. And Cas was in no shape to do much thinking or speaking. So in the end, Dean decided that taking Cas to Bobbies house was the better option.

And so he did.

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