Chapter 10

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Castiel ran. Ran for his life. A dark creature chasing him, composed only of shadows. It's voice seemed to fill his head, echoing in his skull.
"You can run but you can't hide. Don't be a coward. Come out and face me."
He found himself in the corner of an alley. He could hear people nearby. He tried to scream but his voice betrayed him. The creature whipped around to face him, detecting movement. Just as the creature was closing in on him, inches from his face, a golden light flooded every crevice of the world. Cas shut his eyes tight, and when he opened them, he was at a playground. The sun shone above him and children laughed while playing. Beside him, Deans hand was clasped with his own. He let a smile play on his lips and Dean smiled back. And it was peaceful. Then the voice, the same as the creatures, mocked them. "Look at that, couple of queers." Then gunfire. Castiel was unable to move, frozen where he stood as a thousand bullets ripped through Deans torso. "Nooo!!!!" He screamed to no one but himself.

Castiel woke up in a cold sweat. His eyes adjusted to the bright florescent lights and he noticed someone in the corner of the room. He grabbed his glasses and pushed them onto his face.

"Dean?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Hey." Dean smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back through crake lips.

"Cas I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Don't feel bad, okay?"

"It's all my fault."

"Oh come on, Dean, don't be so conceded. It's not all your fault." Cas smirked.

"Cas, what the hell happened." Deans tone completely serious.

"I was at my lowest low. I have lots of family problems, Dean. Plus Crowley. Plus our fight. Plus depression. I'm sorry, Dean. I really am. If you don't want to talk to me anymore, I'd understand."

Dean scoffed.


"You seriously think you're getting rid of me."


"Cas you know I have feelings or you. Strong feelings. You think I'm going to leave because you tried to off yourself?"


Dean rushed across the room and cupped Cas' face in his hands, and in an instant their lips collided, moving in perfect sync. And for the first time in a long time, Castiel felt alive. When they finally pulled apart, Castiel smiled and reached his hands up, pulling Dean into a hug. When Dean stood fully and looked down at Cas, his face going pale. Cas looked at him, questioning, before he realized what had happened. He immediately covered his scars, but Dean grabbed an arm.

"Hey," Dean whispered, "It's okay."

And then he kissed each scar. Every scar on both arms.

"Promise me you won't do this any more. I can't lose you."

"I can't promise that, Dean. I'm sorry. But I can't."

"Then promise you'll try."

"Okay. I promise I'll try."


Dean slept in the hospital with Cas every night that week. He had Bobby call the school and excuse him for the entire week. He'd gotten Anna and Charlie's numbers. They visited every day. When no one was visiting, Dean and Cas mainly watched tv, cuddled, played board games, and talked.

On the last day, Dean took Cas down to the cafeteria for lunch. They ate little turkey sandwich squares and drank lemonade from little paper cups.

"So," Dean smirked, "Our first date. Having a thrilling time so far?"

Cas nearly choked on his lemonade. "First date?"

"Yep. This is it our first date. You didn't think you'd get away with just make out sessions, did you?" He winked.

Cas blushed.

Dean leaned all the way across the table till their faces were not even an inch apart. They sat there in silence for a second before Dean closed his eyes. "I'm crazy about you, Cas." He whispered and Castiel nodded.

"I'm happy to have you. I like you a lot." Cas whispered back. Dean smiled and he was so close, he could feel Castiel's hot breath as he whispered.

They stared into each others eyes in that close proximity, Cas' eyes like pools of water. His heart shaped lips turned in a small sweet smile. He whispered something Dean couldn't hear. "What?" Dean asked.

"People are starting to stare." Cas repeated, worriedly.

"Let em'." Dean smiled and pulled Cas into a long kiss before leaning back in his seat, looking around with a smirk. Sure enough, people were staring, their jaws agape. All eyes fixed on Dean and Cas.

Dean stood, and a man having lunch with an old lady and a girl no older than six shook his head in disgust. At the mystery meat or at the fact that two guys had just kissed, Dean didn't know. But he guessed the latter.

"What's the matter?" Dean asked as Cas joined his side. "Never seen two dudes in love?"

The man stood then, too. When he stood at his full height, he was huge. Dean gulped but soon regained his confidence.

"It's gross. You're ruining the sanctity of marriage."

Dean was about to defend them when the old woman scoffed. This caught the mans attention. He turned slightly toward her and she rolled her eyes.

"Grow up, Jesse. It's the 21st century. Women are wearing pants and we have a black man as our president. Instead of pestering these boys, who are most definitely in love, why don't you focus on getting yourself a wife to help feed your kids. By the way, Kenzie here was just telling me the other day about how she thought a little girl in her class was really pretty and she wanted to kiss her but she was too afraid of what you'd say. Are you going to resent her too?"

The man looked shocked. His expression softened.

"Is that true?" He asked his daughter who nodded her head sheepishly. He smiled a bit and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, boys." He apologized and they left.

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