Chapter 15

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They sat there for a while, talking about everything under the sun, before they came to the conclusion that it was time to go home.

"Can I sleep over? Since it would be just me and my brothers home?" Cas asked once they had gotten in the Impala and were on the road, taking Dean's hand in his.

"Well of course." Dean smiled as he kissed Cas' hand.

"I'm surprised Bobby lets me. I mean he knows about us and most people wouldn't let their daughters boyfriend stay over."

"What?! Why am I the girlfriend?!" Dean chuckled.

"Oh you think I'm the girlfriend?!" Cas smiled.

"Well, let's see. I play football while you cheer me on. You take forever to get ready. And you drink the girly drinks!"

"True. But you're the pretty one. The girlfriend is always the pretty one."

"Well I won't deny that. I am pretty."

"Well there you have it." Cas laughed, "Hey, who's truck is that?" he asked as they pulled up in the driveway.

"Probably just Rufus. He totaled his and his wife kicked him out because her folks are over and he got in a disagreement with her brother. All in one week. Poor guy. So Bobby's letting him stay here until his wife cools down. He must've got himself a new truck. Looks like it needs a bit of work though." Dean explained.

"Ah." Cas said as he shut the door to the Impala.

But as they approached the door , the sound of raised voices grew louder. Dean frowned but unlocked the door. The voices were coming from the kitchen. Dean could feel Cas' grip on the back of his shirt as they approached the kitchen.

"Like hell you're taking them!" came Bobby's voice.

"They're not your kids you delusional grandpa!" Dean's stomach dropped. Not him. Anyone but him.

"Well they're as good as! I've spent more time with them in the past few months than you have with Sam in his whole life! They need a father, John! Not some asshole who drops them off at a cheap motel and gives them $10 for food then disappears for a month!"

"Don't you dare tell me how to raise my boys!"

Dean stepped in the kitchen, boiling with rage.

"Bobby is a better father than you ever were." He tried to sound as strong and confident as possible.

"I ought to snap your neck, boy!" John snarled.

"Why? For telling the truth?!" but it was Sam who spoke this time, he had been sitting at the table with Rufus.

"Watch yourself, Sammy. You're still in trouble for sending me to that freak show." John reminded him.

"Don't call me that." he spat at John.

"Excuse me? I'll call you whatever the hell I want to call you!"

"No. Only Dean gets to call me that." Sam stood up and puffed his chest out. And something about it was just enough to send John over the edge. He started punching Sam but Dean threw himself between them, taking the blows for a second before fighting back. Until he felt himself go flying through the air as John sent him crashing into the table, breaking it in half. He got back to his feet, a little dazed this time. Some father he thought to himself angrily but kept his mouth shut.

"And who the hell is that?!" John demanded, glaring at Cas who was standing in the doorframe looking terrified.

"That's-" Dean began, he was going to have a clever comeback like That's none of your business or something but John interrupted him.

"He looks like a queer! Are you a queer, boy?! Huh? Speak up!" tears were forming in Cas' eyes. John was approaching him but Dean got there first and stood in front of him. Disbelief and an unmeasurable amount of anger spread across John's face, "Take this boy to his house, wherever that may be. Dump him on the street for all I care. Just get him out of my sight," John glared at Dean, glancing at Cas.
Dean turned around and grabbed Cas' arm gently, guiding him to the door.
"Oh, and Dean?" John called from the kitchen.
"What?" Dean closed his eyes, his back towards his asshole father.
"You're going to Hell." John snarled.
Dean scoffed, "Funny, considering you've always told us that Heaven and Hell weren't real." He slammed the door behind them before John could say anything back.
Dean apologized to Cas once they were in the car and driving away. Cas assured him that it was okay.
The drive to Cas' house was too short for Dean's liking. Soon he was pulling up the driveway and Cas was unbuckling his seat belt.
"Are you going to be okay here without your sister?" Dean asked him.
"Yeah. Yeah I'll be alright. Will you?" Cas put a hand on Dean's shoulder.
"Yeah. Yeah I'll be fine. I'll call you later, okay? I love you." Dean attempted a smile while holding back tears. He had to be strong for Cas.
"I love you too. I'll see you at school if we can't see each other sooner." Cas gave his hand a quick squeeze then got out of the car.
When he got back, the house was quiet but tense. Sammy was sitting on a suit case with his head in his hands and Rufus had a comforting and on his back. Bobby was pacing in the kitchen and John was waiting for Dean in his room.
"Pack a bag, Dean. We're leaving." John refused to meet Deans eyes.
Deans stomach was in his throat. He almost had the nerve to argue but knew it was in his best interest to do what John said. He didn't have that much stuff to pack so it only took him a few minutes.
They hooked the Impala up to the truck and piled in to the truck because John didn't trust Dean enough to let him drive the Impala.
"What are you doing?" John asked as Dean took out his phone and dialed Cas's number.
"I...promised Cas I would call him." Deans face fell when he met his father's eyes. John snatched Dean's phone from his hands and threw it out the window, making a point to run over it as they backed out of Bobbys yard.

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