Chapter 19

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Pov Dean

Dean knocked on the big wooden door to Cas's house. It swung open slowly to reveal a mess of red hair.

"He's not here." Anna glared at Dean.

Dean thought back to what Gabe had said. About Cas being in a coma.

"Oh god. He didn't wake up." Dean felt light headed.

"What? Oh that. No, he's fine. He just doesn't live here anymore."

"Where does he live then?" Dean let out a breath of relief.

"Why would I tell you? After you hurt him the way you did."

"That wasn't my fault. There's been a huge misunderstanding and I'll tell you all about it but I wanna tell Cas first, if that's alright."

Anna stared at him, thinking.

Dean gave her a pleading face.

"The local college. He has a dorm there."

"Thank you." Dean smiled and started to leave.

"Dean," Anna called after him.

Dean turned around.

"He might not want to talk to you. He has a friend...I'll give you his address. You should go to him first. His boyfriend is Castiel's roommate." She wrote the address on a piece of paper and handed it to Dean, "His name is Gadreel."
Dean knocked. The apartments seemed both decent and affordable. The door opened to reveal a buff boy around Dean's age with brown hair and stubble.

"Hey. Um..are you Gadreel?"

"...Who's asking?" Gadreel frowned.

"I'm Dean. I'm an old friend of your buddy Castiel."

Gadreel scoffed, "You have some nerve showing up after what you put him through."

"Can I come in?"


"Okay. Um...look I didn't mean to hurt him the way I did and things were a lot more complicated than they seemed. I just want a chance to explain some stuff to him. Just... deliver a message to him for me, alright? Can you tell him to meet me at the café where his brother Gabriel used to work at around 8 tonight? Please."

Gadreel hesitated before nodding and shutting the door. Dean made a mental note to check out prices for renting an apartment here.
8:00. Dean checked his watch every 10 seconds as he sat at a table in the café, bouncing his leg.
8:15. Dean buried his face in his hands. What if Gadreel didn't even say anything to him?
8:20. "Sir, are you going to order anything?" "I'm waiting for my friend."
8:22. The bell above the door made a dinging sound and Dean's head turned to it quickly. There he was. He was even more gorgeous than Dean remembered. His hair was soft and ruffled from the spring breeze. His deep blue eyes wandered around the café before settling on Dean. And for a second, neither one of them moved a muscle. They just took in what they'd been missing for so long now. Dean looked at the lady who asked if he was going to order and signaled that he was ready to order. Cas sat down across from him at the table. They ordered some new fruit juice smoothies that the café had started serving and then it was silent between the two for a good 15 seconds.

"I wasn't sure you'd come." Dean smiled.

"Neither was I." Cas avoided his eyes.

"Hey. Look at me. It's not what you think, alright?"

"...Did you know that I tried to kill myself because of you?" Cas glared at him.

The waitress set the smoothies down on the table awkwardly and walked away.

"Yeah, Gabe told me."

"And still you couldn't drive to see me."

"I thought you didn't want to see me."

"Why the hell would you think that, Dean?"

"I called you one day but you didn't answer so I called the home phone and Lucifer answered. He said that you hated me. So I didn't try to contact you after that. Well..until one day when I was in a date with this girl named Lisa. We were watching some romance movie but all I could think about was you. So I tried calling you on a payphone but Gabe picked up and said that you were in a coma and told me to stay away. So I had a pretty clear message that I was unwanted."

"You're joking right?"

"Why would I be joking?"

"Because...Lucifer told me that you told him to tell me that the reason you left was because you were tired of me. He said you called your dad and had him arrange the whole thing."

"That's bullshit. I would never-... I love you, Cas. And my dad is, er... was,  an asshole. I didn't have my dad pick us up and smash my phone and give me the silent treatment for months because he found out I like boys. That night was awful for me, okay?"

"You said he was an asshole. Did he turn himself around?"

"No, he uh... he died. Car accident. On Sam's birthday."

"Oh... I'm so sorry."

"Yeah I was too at first. But... I don't know. I guess I just remembered all the hell he put me and Sammy through growing up and then it wasn't too hard to move on."


"So what's new in your life?"

"Well... my dad came back."

"No shit?"

Cas shook his head, "He's been home since I tried to kill myself. I forgot how great it is to have him around. He's really doing his best to be as involved in our lives as possible."

"That's great, Cas. I'm sorry you two had to reunite over such awful circumstances though."

"Nah, it's fine. I'm not dead so that's a bonus." Cas joked.

"I'm glad," Dean cracked a smile, "Hey um... just to clarify... we're not still pissed at each other, right?"

Cas nodded, "Right."

"Okay good because that would make this next thing really awkward."

"Next thing?"

"Cas. I already lost you once and it nearly killed us both. I don't think that I'm stupid in assuming that we're going to get back together? Unless you've found someone already in which case you're welcome to slap me as soon as I ask you this question."

"What question?"

"Castiel James Novak. Ever since I met you, you have made me happier than I could ever imagine. Every second spent with you is like heaven and every second we're apart kills me. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. I think you're the love of my life. So, I was wondering..." Dean got out of his chair and knelt in front of Cas, "Can we lock this thing down forever?"

Cas tilted his head a little to the side, "Are you asking-"

"Castiel will you marry me?"

Cas's eyes started to fill with tears and he grinned from ear to ear before nodding.

Dean got up and kissed him, right there in front of the whole café.

"I don't have a ring for you yet but we can pick some out together."

"I love you. I can't wait to start a life with you. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to my new friends." Cas held on to Dean's hand.

"I love you too."
~The End~

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