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Chan and i were watching One Piece and i need to use the bathroom, so i asked him to pause it and i rushed to the bathroom. While i was doing my business i heard the doorbell ring , figuring chan would open the door i took my time. Walking back to the living room i hear him talking to someone.

"Umm she's kinda busy at the moment but i can tell her you stopped by" chan said put it was hard for me to see who is was without exposing myself.

I heard chan close the door and some rustling noise. I walked out of the hallway and sat down on the couch.

"Who was at the door?" I asked him and he shook his head while pressing play, i laid my head on his lap again but this time im looking up at him instead of looking at the Tv.

"Is something bothering you again?" I asked and once again he shook his head no, i pouted and slapped his chest. He paused the show and gave me all his attention

"whats wrong you were fine before i went to the bathroom" i questioned him and he just looked at me sighing i got up and sat down normally

"Dude come on be happy" i lifted both sides of his mouth giving him a forced smile, so i got up in front of him and squished his face.

"Channie whats wrong?!!" I yelled and before i could say anything else he pulled me onto him making me sit on his lap he had his hands on my waist giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't like when other guys give you attention" he said and left me dumbfounded

"Wha-" cutting me off he pulled me in and before i knew it our lips were touching.

"WERE KISSING OMG WERE KISSING WERE KISSING!!" in my thoughts i screamed. His pace was slow and passionate

He pulled me closer to him making our chests press up against each other, right when i was going to respond , the doorbell rang again making me jump back onto the floor and hit my head on the corner of the coffee table

"SHIT!" I yelled while  rubbing the back of my head

Chan got up and picked me up in bridal style and walk into our room, he softly placed me on his bed and hovered over me.

"Chan the door" i said not knowing what he was doing, but he didn't listen he just started kissing my neck making me feeling his lips and hot breath against my skin.

Hearing the doorbell rang again in the distance i sat up but he pushed me back and smashed his lips onto mine. Slow yet heated his soft lips glued on mine. The irresistible taste of his lips was like a trance as i started kissing him back, wrapping my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, he slipped his tongue in as it was finding its way to mine and in seconds they were tangle together.

As we began loving the feeling of each others touch and asking for more we heard a loud bang at the door. We both jolted causing Chan to fall off the bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!!!" I yelled looking at chan scared, he got up and walked to the door but before he could open it, it flew open revealing minho, hyunjin, felix, seungmin and jeongin.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?!!" Hyunjin yelled looking at us upset while the others had similar expressions.

"u-uhh we were u-umm.....Chan?" Stumbling on my words with a blank head i looked at chan and he looked at me

"We w-were sleeping" his said as they looked at us sort of believing it.

"Why are you on chan's bed" seungmin questioned me and i blankly looked at him

"I just woke up why are you asking so many questions?" i said as i got up and pushed my way out of the room.

"Where are you going destiny?" Minho asked with a smirk on his face and i stuck up the middle finger at him.

"Im going outside i need some fresh air" i said before storming out the apartment.

Sitting on a bench in front of the community playground watching a couple of kids playing with their parents, it made me smile just seeing how happy they were.

"Can i take this seat?" A tall guy(im 5'2)stood before me and i nodded softly as he sat down

"Are you from around here?" He spoke in korean which a can understand a tiny bit thanks to the guys.

"Umm i am from the US" i said in broken hangul, he laughed and said

"Actually im from Canada" he looked at me and i started to laugh as well

"I didn't expect to meet a Canadian in korea" i said while still laughing.

"Im mark" he extended his arm towards me

"I'm destiny" excepting is offer

"DESTINY!!!" I heard someone scream my name from behind, i turned around in shock locking eyes with chan.

He walked up to me and mark with a unreadable emotion it was a mix of angry and protectiveness it was kinda cute.

"I though you were-" he cut me off as he questioned mark

"who are you?" He said in a not so friendly way

"im mark i just moved here in uint-" he cut mark off as well

"We'll me and destiny have to go home now" he dragged me away and i waved goodbye to mark as we entered the building.

"What the hell is your problem chan?!" I yelled not understanding his mentally.

And there it was again he smashed his lips up against mine, not being able to resist i kissed him back. Backing into the elevator without parting away from each other . He deepened the kiss and bit my lip , i pulled away from my the kiss resting my forehead on his.

"Seriously you should give me a warning when you're going to do that." I said out of breath

"I don't like it when guys flirt with you im not possessive but it just drives me crazy" he said pulling me into a hug and resting his chin on my head.

"Mark wasn't flirting he was just talking to me" i protested

"look destiny i like you a lot hell i love you, but i drives me crazy when i see you around other guys." He confessed making my tiny heart melt

"But im around the boys all the time" i stated and he shook his head

" i know you see them as your brothers and they see you as a sister" he said making me smile

"chan.." i said gaining all his attention, on my tippy toes i gave in a long kiss

" i love you too"

"THANK GOD" he sighed out of relief

"I was so scared that screwed up just now but before anything i have to ask you ,Destiny Rose Garcia will you be my girlfriend?" He asked staring into my eyes with his beautiful brown ones luring me in

"Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." I agreed while continuing to stare at his eyes.

He bushed some strands of hair behind my ear and pulled me in for another deep and passionate kiss.

I hope you liked it, i was really short but its just a filler✨✨

1251 words

I love you, Babygirl [Bang chan ff]Where stories live. Discover now