22- Where the path leads~

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(Before we start this Chapter i would just like to say that im still in awe at how beautiful all of 3racha is. I was fortunate enough to be at GCF and be so close to the stage & side stage. The pic on top is from gcf and ill add more at the end of this chapter. Check out my insta reel: @meilybutterfly)


"Which one is better, this outfit or the other one" i twirled in front of chan as he examined my outfit from head to toe.

"I like the last one, but isn't it too cold to wear a dress or a skirt?" he said as he stood in front of me and kissed my temple pulling me into an embrace.

"But its cute, plus im gonna wear my warm tights" i waved the tights in the air making him laugh.

"Then wear this one although green looks good on you, I think black makes you look sexy." he leaned down to kiss my lips making me giggle

I was currently getting ready for chan's birthday dinner, since all he wanted was to have a nice meal with all of us. So thats what he was granted, although I wasn't gonna just let him off that easy he said he didn't want anything big so i let it be.

"Baby can you help me with my tie?" Chan called out from in front of the mirror as he had a sly smirk on his lips

"I know damn well you know how to tie a tie" i said trotting his way anyway lacing my fingers with his on the black tie

"I like how you tie it" his eyes scanned my face and lingered on my lips as he bit his lips ever so gently

"Channie i don't think you need a tie babes, cause if so i would need to change into something more formal" a frown appeared on his lips as he pulled out his phone and showed me a message between him and Minho

It read "Dress up in a nice suit and tie, dress code is mandatory"

"Omg you were gonna let me leave the house like this knowing formal wear was mandatory?" I hit his arm before turning to my closet which had already been turned upside down from earlier

I rummage through trying to find anything to possibly wear, until I stumbled across a black dress mya had gifted me a couple weeks ago. Pulling it out quickly before undressing with chan's sly eyes staring at me like I was some prey he was so desperately hungry for

"keep your eyes to yourself buddy boy" I joked

Easily enough the dress slipped right on, hugging every curve just the right way. I'll say I was left speechless when I looked in the mirror, so you could only imagine Chan's reaction. His hands latched onto each side of my waist keeping me at arms length to take in the new outfit before he mutter a few loving and praising words.

 His hands latched onto each side of my waist keeping me at arms length to take in the new outfit before he mutter a few loving and praising words

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"Wow, you look stunning" his eyes glided down my body as smoothly as the dress did

His hands traced my waist ever so gently as he buried his face in my neck inhaling my Honey-Vanilla scented perfume. A smile pulled at my lips as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear before planting a kiss on my cheek and jaw bone.

I love you, Babygirl [Bang chan ff]Where stories live. Discover now