|Chapter 3: Toil and Trouble.|

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It was dark and completely silent. The Elf narrowed his eyes, looking about the room. Eventually, after long moments of silence, he heaved himself up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

How long had he been asleep? What time is it?

Dave sighed, forcing himself up with a quiet groan. Rubbing his eyes, he dragged himself over to the door, swinging it open. Stepping down the creaky stairs, he stumbled into the main room.

There was Matt, standing beside the counter with the same grin. Dave stared at him quietly, frowning in a confused manner. Does he ever sleep? Or even stop smiling, at that? Shrugging his many questions about the waiter off, he walked over to the doorway. Stepping outside, he immediately got hit with a blast of cold wind, causing him to shudder. Wincing, he tightened his leather tunic, letting the inn door swing close behind him.

It was obviously quite early in the morning, as only the first rays of light were spilling into the village. The road was deserted, save for a few rough pieces of parchment which he presumed were posters and fliers. Making his way down the cobbled road slowly, he inspected the houses closer then he had been able too the day before. The lack of people made the roads easier to navigate and the different buildings easier to look at.

He had been walking for well over an hour, splitting off into random alleys and disappearing around sharp corners where the cobbled road forked. Dave looked up at the sky for a bit. After a few seconds, he frowned, noticing a set of dark clouds in the distance. It was probably going to rain soon, unless those clouds are heading north. He turned back, retracing the wounding pathways back to the inn.

The Elf barged into the inn, shivering from the cold. He glared at the waiter standing behind the counter. Dave walked quietly up to counter, staring at Matt. "Say, do you have any food here?" He questioned, noticing how hungry he was. The waiter nodded. "Not much, but yeah. We've got fish." Dave raised his eyebrow at the Goblin. "...Just fish?" Matt nodded, still grinning. "..Right. Guess I'll take that." The taller male reached into a pocket at the side of his tunic, pulling out three bronze coins. After roughly inspecting them, he tossed them across the table with a frown. Seems like he had forgotten to get his coins from the bag in his room. Dave retreated to a table with two chairs, seating himself. With a yawn, he cupped his hands around his face, waiting.

The Elf took his head out of his hands as he heard someone walking up beside him. It was Matt, holding a plate with fish on it. Just raw fish. Just. Raw fish. Dave looked up at him, completely unimpressed at this horrible display. Matt just grinned in return, however, it looked a lot more sarcastic then last time he had checked. Dave stuck out his tongue at the waiter, turning his head to the plate. Poking it with his finger, he let out a long exhale. The Elf snapped his head up at Matt. The waiter had one of his hands covering his mouth, obviously trying to hold in some form of laughter. The purple-tinted Elf bared his teeth, picking up the fish on the plate and slapping the waiter across the face with it. He watched as Matt stumbled before tripping with a small groan, toppling to the floor. Good job, idiot. Dave placed the fish back down on the plate, reaching into his pocket yet again before pulling out another few bronze coins. He tossed them towards Matt before stomping up the stairwell to his room.

Unlocking the door, he stepped inside. I never liked this place and don't think I ever will. Dave, closing the door behind him, went over to a small desk in the corner and seated himself on the old wooden chair. With a sigh, he placed his hands in his pockets. Yet, to his dismay, there was nothing there. He turned his head around, scanning the room quickly. Dave shuddered, standing up. He'd lost his only source of money. The Elf scowled. He could sneak back to his fathers house and get more? No. He'd notice that, and it's too late to go back now. Dave bared his teeth.

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