|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧|

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
𝐀𝐦𝐞́𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞

I'm sitting across from Jude he says I have a proposal I say okay he says I'd like to be your daddy I say elaborate he says I would like to guide you, nurture you, discipline you, love you, take care of you etc. I say you have a daddy kink? He says Indeed I do minus the age regression I say go on he says we'll have rules and punishments I say like what? He says we can talk about it another time I say okay he says how about you come over tomorrow night I'll make dinner and we can go over everything then I say sure he says good I'll send my driver to get you at 9 and wear your hair down I say okay he says good
I'm looking myself over in the mirror my hair's down and I'm in a simple sun dress and sandles I look at my phone 9:01 I look out the window and his driver's outside I grab my purse and go out and his driver opens the door and I get in and he closes the door and he takes me to Jude's beautiful estate and he parks out front and Jude's waiting outside he comes to my door and he opens it and he helps me out and he closes the door and he leads me in and out to his dining room and he pulls out a chair for me and I sit and he pushes me in and he brings food and wine and he sits across from me and he says how are you? His voice deep and his accent thick as usual I say I'm okay he says just okay? I hum in response he says I've drawn up rules and punishments would you like to go over them? I say sure he gives me a pink laminated paper and he says read them aloud

 I say you have a daddy kink? He says Indeed I do minus the age regression I say go on he says we'll have rules and punishments I say like what? He says we can talk about it another time I say okay he says how about you come over tomorrow night I'...

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He says any questions? I say yes a few he says alright I say do I address you by daddy in public he says you can address me as Jude in public I say do I have to live with you? He says No but I would like you to spend atleast 4 nights a week at my house I say okay what is this? He says an arrangement I say will you be seeing anyone outside of this arrangement? He says No I will not I say what are the punishments? He places a 2nd laminated piece of paper in front of me except this one is a pretty lavender I begin reading them aloud

He says any questions? I say yes a few he says alright I say do I address you by daddy in public he says you can address me as Jude in public I say do I have to live with you? He says No but I would like you to spend atleast 4 nights a week at my ...

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He says any questions? I say No but I do feel like I need to disclose something to you he says alright tell me I say I'm a virgin he sarcastically says what a surprise I say I just want you to know regardless of wether you notice or not he says I noticed have you ever been touched? I say never he says good how do you feel about birth control? I say I don't mind it we discuss a few things

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