|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧|

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬

I'm standing in my kitchen drinking on a glass of whiskey when my phone start ringing I take it out of my pocket and I look at the caller id and it's my little one I answer it immediately and I put it to my ear and say baby she starts freaking out I say baby bay calm down she says come over just come over I grab my keys and go to my car and get in and I drive to her house and knock and she lets me in and I walk in and I see her cousin laying on the floor unconcious I say what happened she says what do you mean what happened it's pretty fucking self explanatory Jude I let the profanity pass because she's having a moment I say why? She says she was gonna go to the police I say is she dead? She says I didn't check I take my gun out and she looks away I shoot her cousin in the head twice and I say now we know she says now what? I say now you go pack your important things and take them to my car I'll have someone take care of it she says okay her voice soft as usual she goes to her room and I kick the bitch she could've lived if she'd just kept her fucking mouth shit I call 2 of my guys and have them clean this shit up I get her out before they come and I drive away I say your moving in with me she says I'd feel more special if you asked I say fine Amélie Will you move in with me? She says Yes I drive home and park out front and give her the key she takes it and says your not coming? I say I have some business to take care of she says when will you be back? I say don't question me she says I swear I m can't stand you sometimes I say okay she goes in and I leave and I go back to her house and their putting the body in the truck I go in and their's blood I say rip up the carpet lay down another and I leave and I decide to go to the flower shop and I pick up a bouquet of pink roses and I pay the lady and head back home and she's in my bed in lace panties and a matching bra her hair down she looks so beautiful I say hi she hums in response I go to her and give her the roses and she gives me a look and she smells them and she looks satisfied I say am I forgiven? She says maybe she sits them down and she brings me closer by my tie and she leans in and kisses my lips and I return it and it gets intense she helps me undress she sits my gun on the nightstand and I undo her bra freeing her perfect perky tits she helps me slip off her panties and I spread her legs and I slip into her tight wet cunt and she moans I love to hear her sweet moans and whines I begin moving in and out of her she's always so wet and tight my thrusts get faster and deeper until I'm eventually pounding her her moans and whines loud as hell I'm sure my men can hear her from outside after a few minutes she begins clenching tighter around me that's how I know she's close I grab her by her throat and tell her to look at me I like to see her eyes roll back when she releases on my cock she tries so hard to keep her eyes open soon she moans out Oh Jude I.im cumming and with that she releases all over my cock I give her a few more thrusts and fill her up with my semen and I let her go she lays back with her eyes closed her chest rising and falling as she tries to catch her breath she's the perfect woman she's amazing in bed she's got a mouth on her and she doesn't fear me usually woman are scared of me but not her I kiss her lips and pull out of her

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