|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞|

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞
꧁𝐀𝐦𝐞́𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞꧂

I'm looking in the mirror I apply red lipstick and mascara and I grab my purse and I make my way out and I bump into a hard chest he catches me before I fall and I look up and it's Jude he says where do you think your going? I say out as I practically pry his hands off of me and he says out wqhere? I say don't wait up he says I'm adding another rule I say discuss it with yourself and I make my way downstairs he says don't fucking play with me Amélie the anger very much evident in his tone I say goodnight Jude and I the gate and I see her car out front his guard says I have orders not to let you through ma'am I smile and says alright and my cousin gets out and I toss her my purse and I start climbing the gate I get to the other side and I see a furious Jude headed my way she tosses me the keys and says let's get outta here he looks pissed we get in and I back up and I drive away she says let's hit a club I say fine so I take her to this exclusive club and we get past security and go in and we sit at a booth and I order a sex on the beach and she gets a chardonnay we have a few rounds he's blowing up my phone why does it matter if I'm there or not? It's not like he wants me to sleep with him. what's the point of me being there? She says who's the beautiful man you ran from? I say I didn't run from him she gives me a look I say he's my uh she says your man I say something like that she says you should talk to him I say there's nothing to talk about and the waitress brings us another round and I'm about to grab it until it's picked up and I look at Claire and she looks like she seen a ghost I don't even have to turn around to know who it is he says a word and he doesn't give me time to reply he grabs me by my arm and pulls me to where we can be alone and he says what the fuck is your problem? I say No what's yours? One minute your sweet and gentle and the next your just mean and heartless I don't like it he says Amélie I say No don't Amélie me I don't want to be there if I can't touch you and sleep with you I might as well stay at home and sleep in my own bed he says your being ridiculous I say No you are and I begin to walk away and I hear him say fine the irritation evident in his voice I say fine what? He says fine you can sleep with me I say every night? He says yes Amélie every night I say good he says collect your things I'll be outside and don't think I forgot about your actions you'll be punished tomorrow and with that he walks away I go to Claire and I give her my keys and she says later I say later and I grab my purse and go outside and he's leaned up against the car he opens the back door I get in and he gets in the driver's seat and he drives back to his house and he parks out front and he gets out and opens the back door but he doesn't help me out I get out and we go in and he says clean yourself up I say you don't want to bathe me? He curtly says No I don't and he walks to the kitchen I go to shower and I put on undergarments and a night gown and I lay in his bed and I fall asleep waiting on him

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