Several years ago...

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It was a dark and stormy night. The wind blew hard, rain poured heavily in Kongo Bongo Island. The Kong Family found it hard to sleep. At Donkey Kong's tree house, the silence broke.

Diddy: "Jeepin Junglebugs! How long is this storm? I can't even sleep!"

DK: "You're telling me, Little buddy. I haven't experienced a tropical storm like this one before."

Tiny: "Relax, you guys. If you can survive a snowstorm, you can survive this storm."

Dixie: "We know, Tiny. But the storm is getting noisier by the minute, so we can barely sleep."

Lanky: "Too bad Cranky's all alone in his cabin during this time of night. I don't know how he's gonna sleep tonight."

Chunky: "I agree. I also hope Funky and Candy don't go through the same way."

DK: "Don't worry, Chunky. The others were prepared for the storm and boarded up their homes."

Diddy: "Uhh... DK? Aren't we forgetting that K. Rool is bound to plan revenge on us after Crocodile Isle sank to the ocean bottom?

Dixie: "Diddy's right. We've gotta keep an eye out for K. Rool and his Kremling Kreeps.

Tiny: "And keeping the Crystal Coconut safe. Speaking of which, I wonder how Cranky's doing?

Meanwhile, at Cranky's Cabin...

Cranky: *Groans* "This storm is even worse than the time the Snowmads took over our island! Even with the Crystal Coconut in my grasp, I couldn't get any sleep nor have enough energy to guard it. Someday when DK and Diddy aren't around someone has to guard the Crystal Coconut, but they have Chunky, Dixie, Kiddie, Tiny and Lanky to help. However, even if Kongo Bongo's greatest defenders and myself are stuck between a rock and a hard place, even outside the island, someone will have to stand up against K. Rool and his lizards."

Out at sea, a cruise ship was caught in the heavy storm. The waves made the ship rock back and forth, making the ride extremely dangerous. Unknown to the captain and his crew, the wind pushed the ship into a field of rocks underwater. The captain ordered his crew to reduce acceleration and braked hard, but when they could it was too late. The ship crashed into the rocks and water leaked into the ship. The captain told every last passenger to abandon ship.

A young couple and their first born child heard the emergency. The lifeboats were full of passengers and the young couple were the only ones without it. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place. They're just about to meet their doom when they find a life raft. With no time to waste, they made their escape before the ship sank to the bottom. Now the couple were stranded until they found an island, however it isn't any everyday island. They're now stranded on... Crocodile Isle!

A/N: Yes things look bleak for the young couple and their newborn baby as they crash landed on Crocodile Isle, the home of the Kremlings and their ruler King K

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A/N: Yes things look bleak for the young couple and their newborn baby as they crash landed on Crocodile Isle, the home of the Kremlings and their ruler King K. Rool. Will they get a warm welcome or a rude one? Just to be sure, tune in next time!

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