Chapter 2: "Welcome back to Crocodile Isle!"

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The plane started to fly out of Funky's Airport and propelled itself into the air. The gang held on tight for a bumpy ride for Crocodile Isle.

Funky: "Attention, dudes and dudettes! This is your pilot speaking. If you can see on your left, you can see the gross, toxic and rotten Crocodile Isle with polluted airways and water that may or may not require a gas mask for newcomers!"

Shaggy: "Like, we should've brought some with us."

Tiny: "Don't worry everybody. In case we go to the Kremlings home island. We packed spare gas masks just in case."

Dixie: "Just make sure you look in the compartments above ya."

The Mystery Gang looked into their luggage compartments and found a few gas masks.

Fred: "Perfect! Just what we need!" Suit up, gang!

Meanwhile... In K. Rool's fortress...

The Kremling King was watching the heroes arrive on his home island.

K. Rool: "Ah... The Kong Cavalries." *Pushes the button to report to all of his troops* "Attention all members of the Kremling Klan! Y/N Kong has gotten my message and he's brought reinforcements to stop us and rescue his pathetic friends. I want you to do everything in your power to keep them at bay. If they have the Crystal Coconut, don't be hesitant to steal it and take care of the Kong's rescuers! And if you see Y/N Kong... Bring him to me. Alive or otherwise..."

An alarm started blaring in the fortress as all the troops were getting their ships and cannons ready to fire at the plane.

K. Rool: "Remember, bring me that Crystal Coconut. I do not want to see any failures or disappointments from anybody."

G. Klump: "Kritters, take aim!"

Back in the sky...

The heroes are about to land on Krem Quay when Funky looked down on the island and squinted.

Funky: *Talks through the speaker* "This is your tubular captain speaking, if you look to your right, you can see the ship that the Kremlings use called the Gangplank Galleon to go to other islands and have cannons and other weapons that can shoot down anything in the air!"

Dixie: *Looks out the window* "OK, that's not good."

Dixie was right. On that ship, there were many Kritters with Klap-Blasters as they aimed at the plane!

G. Klump: "Kritters... Ready, aim, fire!!!"

The Kritters started firing Klaptraps at the plane!

Klaptrap: "Get ready, fellas! I heard a plane engine so we got ourselves a big one!"

The fearsome bitters were sent to work and ate up one of the wings of Funky's plane!

Funky: "Bad news, dudes & dudettes! We lost the right wing! Better make a landing quickly!"

Daphne: "We lost the right wing?! But how?!"

Tiny & Dixie: "Klaptraps!"

Funky: "Hang tight, everybody!"

The plucky pilot began to plan each dodge and evasion from the Kritter's Klaptraps and Kannons even with one of the wings destroyed.

G. Klump: "Don't let them get away! Release Turret Tusk!"

????: *Angry Elephant Noise*

Sure enough, The Kremlings released their greatest ally of the Kremling Krew!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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