Chapter 4

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As Erin walked away, Domonicai could not help allowing his gaze to follow her. He swore up and down that it was only to ensure she made it from the bar safely, but anyone watching close enough would see that he had that look of a tormented man head over heels in love. Once she was out of sight, he walked back into the bar with a slow shake of his head.

When his shift was over, he once again made his way home as he heard a scream of terror coming not far from the bar. Not entirely understanding his motives, he broke into a full out sprint to the sound. Upon arrival, he took in Erin cornered by at least three men that were dressed in all black, almost mimicking his appearance.

"---Listen miss, we don't want to hurt you but we will if we have to." One said in a menacing voice.

Domonicai approached quietly, tapping the possessor's shoulder and when he spun around, Dom's fist collided with his jaw.

"Leave the woman alone. And if I see any of you tormenting her again, I will personally ensure that none of you will see the light of day ever again." He spoke with a cold cruelty that rang true.

The other men backed away slowly then turned tail and ran away quickly. Domonicai dusted himself off and met Erin's terrified gaze.

"Well, we meet again do we?" He said, a slightly joking tone to his voice. "Miss Erin they didn't touch you did they?" He asked, his eyes running over her form, ensuring that she had not be harmed.

"N-No..." She stammered out, her small frame trembling from the adrenaline still running through her system.

"Good. Though I feel I should chase them down for causing fear to such a beautiful dame as yourself." His words caused a heart stoppingly beautiful blush to blossom across her skin. She looked away from him, the shivers beginning to die down. He too looked away.

"Thank you, Dom. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along." She whispered softly, his sensitive ears picking up every word of it.

'I would have done it for you a million times over, Miss Erin...' He found himself thinking and almost spoke said thought aloud. Giving a fierce shake of his head, ridding himself of this thought before it went down a road he wasn't ready to deal with, he smirked.

"Not a problem. Now do you have somewhere you have to be or would you be willing to join me for a bite to eat?" He offered.

Her stomach gave a low grumble of hungry protest and that blush deepened. "Some food would be nice. And no, I don't have anywhere I need to go." She said, her voice shaking ever so slightly as her gaze was still downcast.

He sighed lowly, already missing her haunting blue eyes. They had stuck in his memory since they met a few hours ago. "Well, consider it my treat. I know a really good steak house not far from here."

A disgusted look crossed her features. "No meat, I'm on a strict vegetarian diet." She said with the deliverance of someone who had said this a thousand times over.

"Alright, they have salads and soups as well." He offered. For some unknown reason, he didn't want to upset her more than she was already. All he wanted was to get something for her to help calm her nerves.

Holding his arm out and seeming the proper gentleman, he waited for her to take it so that he could lead her there.

Taking his arm, she allowed him to lead her to this steak house he was talking about. Her stomach growled a bit louder this time as she thought of having some food. After all, she couldn't remember the last time she had eaten. ...Oh yeah, it was the morning she'd gotten banished and that was two days ago.

The events of the past half hour ran through her mind, making her shiver in remembrance. This caused Domonicai to gaze over at her, a seemingly worried glint in his exotic golden gaze.

"Miss Erin, are you cold?" He questioned, readying to place his coat over her form. She gave him a shake of her head in response, her body not feeling the cold as it was simply a Glamour, the very thing she'd been criticized and banished for.

Keeping her gaze down, she walked with him until he guided her inside the establishment where the scent of food was thick in the air. Erin's starved stomach rumbled even louder, and she placed a hand over it and gave a small groan. Domonicai lead them to a table, ordering a sirloin steak and a beer for himself, and salad, soup and a glass of Chardonnay for her.

Once the food arrived, Erin delightfully dove into her meal as Domonicai watched with fervent interest. She finally noticed his gaze upon her after she'd finished her salad and she slowed down slightly.

"What?" She asked with a mouthful of food.

"You have dressing on your cheek." He reached over, wiping it away with a napkin. Even though it was not skin to skin, his touch still sent little tremors through her and she shivered once more. "There." He said, smiling.

"Th-Thanks." She said giving a nervous chuckle.

They continued to eat in peace and quiet. Once they were done eating, she gave a soft belch and covered her mouth quickly, yet another blush blossoming across her face. "Ex-Excuse me..." She said, obviously embarrassed.

"Not a problem. It just goes to show that you enjoyed your food. I have never seen a woman devour a salad and soup in such a manner. It was... adorable if I'm being truthful." He said, giving a husky chuckle of amusement.

Her gaze traveled to the doorway, seeing those men again and she began to panic. Pulling down the brim of her hat, she cleared her throat softly.

"Sorry to cut this short, but I really should be going..." She said softly, getting to her feet quickly.

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