Chapter 5

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Domonicai saw a change in her demeanor, from a joking and joyful woman to a timid and frightened creature. He followed her gaze and a silent growl parted his lips as his eyes took on a crimson hue.

"Come, let me escort you home, my dear." He said, giving a soft smirk hoping she would catch his suggestion.

"I... I can escort myself, thank you very much." She spat out, bristling at his remark.

"Please? I wouldn't want a beauty such as yourself to befall any danger, now would I? What kind of gentleman would that make me?" He said in a low, almost seductive tone that he almost knew she would not be able to resist.

And resist she could not. At his tone, her knees began to shake and she gave a certain tremble.

"Uh...Of course..." She admitted softly, keeping that quiver out of her voice.

He once again held out his arm, and once again she accepted as he left a tip as well as the money for their belated lunch. They strode right past the trio, Erin's gaze upon the ground.

In a low voice, Domonicai whispered to her. "Why so fearful all of the sudden? It's not like they want you dead or anything... Is it?" He hesitantly questioned.

Keeping her gaze downcast, her eyes widened. "N...No, not at all!" She said too quickly to sound normal. Her heart raced in her chest as she thought he'd turn her over to them if he found out the truth of it all.

"Are you sure?" He insistently questioned, meeting her startled gaze.

"De...Definitely! I've never seen those men before!"

Domonicai gave a low chuckle as he walked down the street. "Miss Erin, your lies are like flawed diamonds. Sure they seem sturdy enough, but under close enough examination, the truth shines through." He said, smirking at her.

She lowered her gaze once more. "I'm not lying." She growled.

"Sure you're not. Now tell me the truth. Why are you here in this town and what do those men want with you?"

Once again, her heart broke in to a frantic racing pace and her palms sweat slightly. Suddenly, she felt the urge to take off and bolt in the opposite direction to get away from this man who was digging deeper into her secrets than she was comfortable with.

"It is none of your business, Dom. Now quit digging into things that you don't know you want to discover." She said, jerking to a stop when she was sure that she was safe from those men. Facing him, her eyes had a harsh and severe edge to them.

This expression gave the Daemon pause as he was unsure of the emotions coursing through him: worry, possessiveness, the need to protect this woman with his life. It all confused and baffled him. He struggled to understand why she brought out such a fierce reaction from him.

Erin yanked her hand from his grip, crossing her arms across her chest. Irritation was plain on her face as she glared at the man before her.

"Miss Erin, I simply wish to- "

She cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "I don't care what you wish. Just keep your damned nose out of my business." She growled before turning on her heel to walk away.

Well, she attempted to walk away before she was pulled back to his side.

With a growl, he inquired. "Where do you think you're going?" He demanded, his patience running thin with her constant dodging of his questions.

She struggled against his iron-hard grip. "Let me go!" She growled, trying not to draw attention to them even though there was no one else except for them on the abandoned street. It was as if the entire city had fallen asleep, not even a car passing by or a dog barking.

"Not until you quit avoiding my questions. Is it truthfully that difficult to understand that I only wish to help you?" He snarled in irritation and annoyance.

"I am avoiding it because it's not something someone like you needs to worry yourself with." She snarled in response.

'Someone like me?!' He almost asked aloud. The begrudging way she said this made him think that she knew exactly what he was.

In this moment of distraction, Erin freed her hand and took off running almost out of fear as she found a place to hide from him. Her heart was racing once again.

'I don't know how much more of this I can handle.' She thought to herself with a growl.

She had once hear how the current Dark Fae King and Queen had once been in a position much that of the one she was now in. Knowing this worried her very deeply, for there was no way in Hades that she was falling for a Daemon.

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