Chapter 7

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Erin gave a burst of breathless laughter.

"I knew it, you're a demon. And a damned good lover, on top of it all." She whispered, now knowing there was no turning back.

Domonicai was struck speechless. He d thought her beautiful before, but how she now appeared was simply breathtaking. He shuddered slightly and reached out to brush her hair out of her beautifully shimmering eyes. This made her already flushed skin go to an even deeper shade of red-violet.

"What, no smart-ass remark...?" She froze, realizing he was seeing her for who, and what, she truly was. His gaze, to her, was impossible to decipher and she thought he was hiding his disgust. When in all honesty, her beauty had stunned him into silence and stillness.

"So beautiful..." He whispered, his voice soft with admiration towards the Fae.

She blinked, shocked by his words. She couldn't believe it. He thought she was beautiful? No, he had to be lying, but the tone of his voice spoke otherwise.

A gentle yet seductively distracting chuckle passed Domonicai's lips as he met her gaze once more.

"Erin, I mean it. You re a Fae. I can see this, but this doesn't change how beautiful you look like this or as a human. I l... love you either way." This last sentence had a great deal of difficulty whispering past his lips as he leaned down, pressing his lips to her own in a way that was much different from the other kisses the pair had shared in the fact that this one was soft and gentle, a method of displaying that he really cared for her.

Now this took Erin for a spin. Someone loving someone as broken and corrupted as she. That was a laugh. Speaking of laughter, a loud burst of hysterical laughter bubbled past her lips. Domonicai raised his eyebrow in response and canted his head to the side.

"Erin, what do you find so funny? I practically confessed that I love you and here you are laughing." He whispered his question as he caressed her cheek lovingly.

The touch made Erin flinch a little bit. She was quite unaccustomed to someone being so caring towards her. Even back where used to be her home, it wasn't often that such sweet feelings were shared.

"N-Nothing! I m not really laughing at you..." She had no idea of what to say, to dissuade Dom from thinking she found humor in his admittance of his love toward her. It was simply a shock that he felt such emotions.

"Alright, then." A slight chuckle, husky due to his relaxed state, slipped past his lips as he rolled onto his side. He pulled her against his own nude form, making sure to not injure her wings as he did this. In his own opinion, her quiet bashfulness was quite an adorable sight to behold.

They lay like this for quite some time, Erin drifting in and out of consciousness due to the lazy and calm silence. When she next woke, Domonicai was no longer at her side and she was tucked in under the blankets. Azure hues darted about the darkly lit room. It hadn't been that dark when she'd fallen asleep. Several hours must've passed.

Out in the hallway, the sound of fighting and yelling was quite audible. Slipping out from the blankets and quickly dressing, she would move to peek her head out only to see Domonicai dragging himself out of what had been once a purely undamaged wall. He brushed the rubble off of his shoulders as he seemed, in his massive size, that he shouldn't have been able to stand at his full height in the cramped hallway.

Dragging the back of his hand across his bloodied lips, a dangerous smirk caressed his mouth as crimson oculars shimmered with bloodlust at the startling blood staining the skin of his limb. This man, one of the trio that had been following his girl, had followed them back to his apartment. How could he had been so careless as to not ensure that they d been followed? Oh, right... Lust tended to cloud the mind.

Brushing off these thoughts, that smirk widened as he stalked towards what had now distinguished themself as Dom's current prey. For every step he would take, the other male took two backwards.

"What, are you afraid of a little challenge?" He questioned, his tone dark and sadistic in nature as the man soon found his back pressed up against the wall and Dom standing before him, an avenging angel glaring back at him through slitted crimson orbs.

Despite his seeming to enjoy this, and truth be told he was, his demeanor was intended to get the information he was seeking out of the pitiful excuse of a man before him with what seemed a sudden puddle of ammonia scented liquid at his feet. Dom's nose, assaulted by this, wrinkled in distaste.

"Oh, how mature." He growled, the terrified man thrown into the wall by his throat. This prey writhed in his captor's vice grip. "Who are you and what do you want with Erin?" He snarled.

His target's feet were held out of reach of the stable ground below. The male pulled at Dom's hand, his face already starting to turn blue. His words were impossible to decipher as Domonicai's superhuman hold cut off the flow of oxygen from lungs to mouth. In Domonicai's rage, he'd crushed the man's larynx.

"What was that?" He teased, tilting his head gently as if to hear the man's incoherent babbling as nothing whispered past his lips but the attempted pleading for his own life.

Domonicai grew weary of this game, lowering the man back to his feet. He turned as if he were going to walk away, but then spun around before this intruder could expect a thing. In that moment, Dom's talons sunk deep into the flesh of his throat, ripping out the spinal cord and windpipe all in one quick jerk.

"How sad... I thought I would have had my plaything last a little while longer..." He muttered to himself in a sadistically joyful tone, dropping the worthless organs to the ground atop of the corpse that was now bleeding out onto the floor. He then turned to head back to his apartment.

Licking the dark and alluring blood off of his hand, he made a deep sound of recognition in the back of his throat. "So they were who I remember..." He pondered to himself as he was greeted by a rather panicked Erin. Rushing to her side, he picked her up in his arms.

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