Chapter 9

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Once off in the land of dreams, Domonicai's dream was a peaceful one. He had the girl of his dreams in his arms and everything was just perfect.They were in a beautiful moonlit meadow, small sounds of the night creatures heard in the air. The moonlight would pour over both of them, bathing Erin's skin and tinting it the most stunning shade of silver as the natural lavender hue of it would simply add to the splendor.

A smile would then spread across the demon's lips as he held her form closer to his own, his heart threatening to sprout wings and fly away. He chuckled a little bit at this, his gentle smile transforming into a soft smirk of humor.

But as with all things, this wasn't meant to last. The pure silvered rays of moonlight would soon morph into crimson rays, as if blood had covered the surface of the moon itself. The meadow which had moments before been quiet with the small sounds of the forest animals, now fell dead silent. Allowing his gaze to wander, he took notice that every single animal, from the deer to the smallest mouse, had been murdered in the most gruesome ways possible.

The crimson light then seemed to thicken and all of the sudden he found himself alone in the darkness. It clung to his skin, like a lost lover that one did not want to keep. His sight having been robbed from him, he would continue forward into this dream. Suddenly, Erin's frightened voice rang out in the darkness.

"Dom, where are you...? Domonicai, I'm scared.... DOMONICAI!!!!"

The search for her then grew to a frenzied panic. Several times, he had fallen in his chaotic hurry.


This single word spilled past his lips as he then jolted awake, to see that his sight had returned and Erin was sleeping peacefully beside him, seemingly unaware of the nightmare he had just suffered through. A low growl of a sigh then passed Domonicai's lips as he closed his eyes, running a hand through his short, dark raven locks. Silently slipping out of bed, he made his way to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. Possibly some water, maybe a canter of scotch or two. He just wanted something that would chase off the chills of that nightmarish darkness still clinging to his skin.

As he walked to the kitchen, he gave another low growl. This time, it was a sound of annoyance. Had it truly been so long since he'd had a nightmare? Domonicai gave a slow shake of his head and a low chuckle. Reaching into the fridge, he withdrew a bottle of Jack Daniel's then made his way to the cabinet, pulling down a canter. Placing a few ice cubes into the glass, he filled it to the brim with the drink in question. From this, he took a long drink from the glass, draining it a third of the way.

Once again he ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it even more than his restless sleeping had. Several thoughts were running through his mind at this moment and it was growing to be too much for him to handle. Setting the glass that was held in his now shaking hand upon the table, he sat down in the chair, sighing heavily as he lowered his head into his hands. That dream had unnerved him more than he was willing to admit to even himself, but who was he kidding? Right now, he felt like a child, not the brave and heartless Daemon he'd come to know in the mirror every morning.

Soon enough, the evident sounds of the girl he loved waking were heard. The rustling of the sheets and a low almost mew of confusion passed the girl's lips. Throwing back the blankets, she came over to him as she rubbed a hand over sleepy silvery-blue hues. The femme took no care to disguise the true beauty that she possessed, as she likely didn't realize that she was out of human Glamour to begin with.

Her arms then wrapped around Domonicai's neck rather affectionately as she held him as close as her still drowsy form allowed her to. "Dom, are you okay?" She asked, voice tinted with worry and slurred with sleepiness.

"Huh? Why do you ask, my dear?" He asked, placing a single still-shaking hand over one of her own with much hesitation.

"For one, you're shaking like a leaf and two, you shouted in your sleep and woke me up." She said, kissing his cheek.

A faint smile graced his lips as he turned in the chair to pull her into his lap. With her just near him like this, the shaking was already starting to subside. Or was that just the alcohol kicking in? He pondered idly while holding her close as he nuzzled his horned head gently into her shoulder. With a soft sigh, he gave a slight chuckle. Nope, that's just her. He thought with a bit bigger of a smile.

"Did I now? For that, I'm sorry, Erin." He muttered, holding her close to his form. He could hold her close like this for days. Years, or eternia even.

But, just like the dream, this blissful contented feeling wasn't meant to last as the annoying, loud staccato of his alarm clock soon became audible.

Damn it! He would probably have to run to work if he wanted to make it to work on time. Looking down at the flannel pants he wore and only those, he gave a growl.

Erin then clapped her hands over her beautiful pointed, yet highly sensitive, ears. Due to them being covered, her voice was a little louder than normal.

"What the hell is that racket?" She growled.

Domonicai set her down gently as he began the short process of getting dressed for work after turning off that obnoxious piece of technology. Once he was finished a good five minutes later, he pressed a light kiss to Erin's forehead. "I'm sorry, love. I forgot that I had work this morning." He said, giving a light chuckle. "Now, stay here please? I would hate to worry about you without being able to do anything."

"No worries... I'll probably just go back to sleep anyways." She said giving a shrug as she did in fact make her way back to their bed.

He gave that distinct husky, entertained chuckle. "Sweet dreams, my dear." He said as he tucked her into the bed and took off out the door, grabbing his Stetson on the way out. Sprinting down the stair way, he continued this rapid pace to the bar. He hadn't had to run that long or hard in quite a while. He leaned against the doorway, panting a little bit.

"Goddamnit..." He groaned, while he attempted to regain his breath.

Dom had to stop and ponder for a bit as to how he could have possibly forgotten that he had to work today. This was the first time that this had happened to him in the nearly ten and a half years that he had worked at the bar. The only answer that he could think of was that Erin had distracted him. Typically, he would have been annoyed by it. But, now he could only find entertainment in this.

An idea suddenly struck him and it caused his exotic brimstone hues to widen in surprise. Not even three minutes after arriving, he announced to his boss that he needed to run home for something. Considering his record, the man gave him the go ahead.

In half the time it took him to get to work, he was back home once more. Shutting the door quietly behind him, he quickly but silently made his way to where Erin was peacefully dozing. A smile passed his lips as he removed his boots, his hat, and any clothing that would prove a hindrance, pretty much every inch of clothing available. He then slid into bed, holding her form flush against against his own naked one, pressing a light, loving, and somewhat teasing kiss to the soft and supple flesh of her neck, his teeth lightly grazing the surface. The sound that it elicited, such a beautiful sound had Dom never heard.

"My Angel, I will never be able to thank you enough." He whispered to the still sleeping girl as he discovered that if protecting and loving this girl with all he had and more was his purpose, he probably was never going back to Hell. And if that was the case, he would gratefully embrace it for this day and every day following it.

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