Chapter 6

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A month and a half had come to pass after that first meeting between Domonicai and Erin. He often found himself hoping and sometimes praying that she would saunter back through that front door but she never did. The Fae had been purposely avoiding the bar as she felt she wasn't ready to face the conflicting emotions that the Daemon filled her with and figured time away would allow her to forget about the man with eyes of hellfire and a voice of seductive velvet. Yet, as Fate would have it in that month's passing, his presence invaded her thoughts on almost a constant basis. This situation had been much the same for Domonicai. As hard as he tried, he couldn't rid his mind of her beautifully haunting eyes. They haunted his dreams, invading his every thought.

Erin was currently wandering down the crowded streets of the small town, watching with unexplainable envy at the couples passing by who seemed to see no one and nothing but their significant other. It forced her to think of a certain tall, dark, and handsome stranger that couldn't seem to stay away from the forefront of her mind. Shaking her head and lowering her gaze, she growled under her breath, hands shoved deep into her pockets.

Damn it! Leave me alone, Dom! I don't want you!

At this thought, the small voice in the back of her head questioned: Are you sure, Erin?

She sighed, leaning her back against a tree as she turned her gaze skyward. Today was beautiful with the trees just beginning to change color due to the coming fall weather. Noticing this beauty, she yearned for home and recalled that it was no longer home to her.

On his first day off in gods knew how long, Domonicai went for a walk through the park in the center of town. For some curious reason, he felt the familiar sensation of someone's eyes on him. They didn't seem malevolent, but that was no reason for him to let his guard down. Slowing his already leisurely pace, he continued along the path with his eyes on the trees as some of the leaves were already turning gold and varying shades of red.

He hid behind a tree, looking around it to see exactly who was following him. His breath became caught in his throat as he saw that Erin was looking as if she had lost something -or rather someone- important. Feeling a warmth spread through him, he snuck around the periphery of her vision and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Domonicai felt her heart hiccup and her breath quicken as fear was scented on her skin. She gently struggled, her hips rubbing against his and it made him silently hiss as she began to unintentionally peak his desire. He leaned forward to whisper huskily into her ear.

"Oh, stop. You know very clearly who it is. I saw you following me from the very beginning, my little beauty." He had ceased to care if this was right or wrong. All he knew was that he wanted her for himself and he'd be damned if anyone else had her.

She gave a soft gasp of recognition as she realized exactly who it was.

"Dom... I..." Her thoughts became scattered ad chaotic, her long-denied desires beginning to rise to the surface. His hands wandered over her form as if they had a mind of their own, an unbidden whisper of a moan passing from her lips. A shiver traveled over her form and she leaned into him as if she was seeking warmth from the suddenly dominant man holding her body closely to his own.

"Quit denying yourself, my darling. I can see that you want this just as much as I do." He whispered into her ear again, kissing just beneath her earlobe.

This action caused delicious warmth to pool between her legs and those lovely and addictive tingles to spread over every inch of her skin.

Instinctively, she pressed against him until only their clothing was keeping them from being skin to skin. He didn't know how much longer he could bear this delicious torment that he was putting himself through. A soft groan passed his lips as he gently bit the cord of muscle that hid her jugular. She gently shuddered, a low and primal moan of his name passing her lips.

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