Chapter Fourteen

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Lincoln, Levi, and Posey sat in the living room, laughing at a story Levi was telling about a huge demon he was fighting when the phone rang. "Who could be calling us at this hour?" Posey asked as she picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Posey, it's Val," Valentin said on the other end. "Mind if I speak to Lincoln? It's about my grandma."

"Of course," she said with a nod, passing the cordless phone to her husband. 'It's Val."

Confused, Lincoln took the phone and placed it on his ear. "What?"

"You don't have to come over anymore," Valentin told his friend with a loosened breath. "Morrighan and Nikolai have been captured and are in the dungeons as we speak."

The words made Lincoln stand up real fast, his beer almost tipping onto the carpeted floor. "What?" he repeated.

"Morrighan and Nikolai are in the dungeons. Your work is done." Valentin repeated before pausing himself. The both of them knew what Nikolai was capable of, even when he was locked up in a prison cell. Both men cursed as a roar started to come up the small driveway of the Sawyer home. They knew who it was before they even got out of the car.

"Make sure he's still down there." Lincoln told his friend as he hung up, turning to Posey. "The Thorn Syndicate is here for you." He told her, already knowing why they were here-they were here to take Posey to Nikolai, so he can amplify his magic and break out of jail. It was the only reason why they would drive up to their house like this. "Go and ge-"

The bullets started flying once the guns went off, making everyone get down. Lincoln cursed as he pulled Posey close to him as every glass was shattered, and the bullets were tearing everything apart. It seemed like hours for them to stop firing, and Aslan's loud wails coming from his room, making both Lincoln and Posey look up.

"Oh god...what if they...they shot..." Posey started to say, and Lincoln shook his head. If that happened, then he'll kill them all for laying one hand or a stray bullet on his son. He had been itching for a fight for a long time, and it may look like Nikolai's Thorn Syndicate might be his targets if they-

"I'll go," Levi told them, crawling on his stomach when a voice called out, "Lincoln Sawyer, bring out the Lady Persephone Nikolayevich and no one will get hurt."

Oh, well ain't that nice, Lincoln thought bitterly when he heard them use Posey's old surname when she was married to that bastard. He makes them use her old surname. "Quit shootin' up my damn house and I'll bring her out!" he called as he heard Levi reaching Aslan's room.

Silence was his answer and slowly he got up, pulling Posey up with him. His hand was being squeezed, and he looked down to see Posey's hand shaking, gripping his. "You don't have to go if you don't want to," Lincoln told her as they went outside. He noticed that Persephone's steps were shaky, and she didn't want to let him go. "Posey," he started as they got outside, and she turned to him.

"Take care of Aslan until I get back," she told him, giving him a soft kiss on the lips before she let go and went to them, leaving Lincoln there to look as she gave him one last look before going into the hummer.

Cursing, he went back in the house as the Thorn Syndicate drove off, running a hand down his face as he closed the door behind him. He knew he should stay at home and take care of their son before she came back home, but the both of them knew that Lincoln wasn't the one that sat down and did nothing.

Levi came back in, shocked and holding a wiggling, crying Aslan, which snapped him back to reality. "Hey, how-why are you looking like that?" Lincoln asked his cousin, who passed his son to him.

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