Chapter Twenty

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Evangeline's screams were loud as Morrighan tortured her. It was like music in Nikolai's ears as he took a shower and put on his dark pants and a button down shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror and grinned as Evangeline screamed even louder as a bone shattered. He could hear her begging for his wife to stop, but she refused as he kept screaming for mercy. Shaking his head, he went over to the small bar and fixed himself a glass of bourbon while waiting for his wife to be done. He had gotten reservations at the only restaurant in town, and he wanted them to be their best before they come back and make love.

"She's still not talking," Morrighan huffed as she walked out of the room, rolling down her sleeves as she went to the sink to wash the blood off her hands. "I've tried nearly everything, love, and she won't talk."

"She won't, eh?" he asked. "Want me to go in there? I don't want to mess up all your hard work my love..." Nikolai purred, placing his drink down and bending down to nuzzle her neck. Morrighan giggled and placed a kiss on his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You can. She's all bloody and waiting for you." she told him, gently kissing him before going to their room to get ready for dinner.

Nikolai watched her go before going to their torture room, where Evangeline laid there, breathing faintly while held down and bleeding all over the place. He let his eyes roam all over her broken body, seeing it heal up when Morrighan had delightfully broken nearly every bone and had torn off a couple fingernails in the process. He reached out and gently stroked her cheek, watching her flinch and jerk her head away from him.

"Are you going to tell me where your spellbook is?" he asked slowly. "Or do I need to get Morrighan to torture you again? It makes your time in Versailles look like home once she gets done with you."

He watched Evangeline's mouth grit at him before she spat in his eye. "" she growled out. "I'll never tell you where it fucking bastard..."

With a snarl, Nikolai's hand flashed out and slapped her across the face, snapping her head to the side. "Either you tell me where the hell it is," he grounded out, "Or I'll rip out your heart and eat it."

A little laugh escaped her dry lips as her fingers cracked, healing up easily. "I wonder..what your precious Persephone would say if she found out why you're here...trying to get a stupid spellbook that I haven't seen since I was turned..." she whispered. "Besides...the spell you're looking for...I don't have it."

"Liar." Nikolai hissed. "You've forgotten what kind of demon I am, have you? I can tell when people are lying to me. You're lying to me right now." his hand wrapped around her neck, making her gasp as his hand started to turn onyx. "Now tell me where the hell the book is, or else I'm going to end your life and give your head to Bishop." at the name, Evangeline started to fight, her body flailing around as her eyes widened in fear. A smile appeared on his face when he said the name of her sire, the name of the man she feared so much.

A twisted smile appeared on his face when he mentioned him. "So you do know where it is, do you?" he asked, squeezing her neck harder. "Where. Is. It?"

"Please..." she begged softly as Morrighan walked in.

"She's not talking, is she?" she asked, going over and resting her head on Nikolai's shoulder. "The little hybrid's scared now. Is it the mention of Bishop?" she asked, and Evangeline thrashed even wilder on the table, clawing at the table to try and escape. She tisked as she turned to her table and looked at her now bloody set of toys. "Do I need to hurt her even more before dinner?"

Nikolai thought about it, watching the hybrid thrashing all over the place, screaming and begging for them not to take her to Bishop. "After." he decided, letting her go. "Besides, we'll be late for dinner, and I don't want to ruin our dinner before we have a little fun."

Wicked Games: White Hollow #1Where stories live. Discover now