What The Helk-

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They couldn't have meant it-

I mean they could have, but they wouldn't!

I was in denial. I didn't want to believe they were like everyone else.

They were -They had to be!- different, every time I saw them I felt warm and happy -empty- joyful.

Everything they did that hurt me, I didn't care about. They could slice my throat and I would be happy, because they gave me their attention.

That was until when I found out.

I remember it vividly,

I was in the middle of class when I had the urge to throw up, I thought it was maybe my lunch before or I wasn't feeling good. But I couldn't hold it down, I ended up running to the bathroom.

Throw up, nothing. Throw up, nothing Throw up, red. Throw up, more red. Throw up again, a petal.

What did this mean? Why was there a petal?Is there a reason?

I looked it up and it was horrifying,
I was traumatized.

I needed to tell someone -anyone!- a person who cared. I decided to keep this a secret. ( Spoiler: You thought 👀)

I didn't care if people looked at me weird, but if they did I would be planning my funeral.


Hi lovely people! I hope you've eaten/drank something today, if not go shove something in your mouth. I know it's gross but do it >:(

I wanted to thank the people that have to read my bad writing, you guys are lovely creatures. <3

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