Chapter 1

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This is a sequel to Mission Anonymous so please go read that before this. This story won't make sense without the other.


Day Two
June 30th

There has been no new news of the two missing. I have done some research on Ash's files and found that everything she has is in America. Dan's family and best friend live in the UK. Knowing Ashley, it is highly unlikely that they would stay in the same place for long periods of time. This means that they're probably not in London. They can't get to America without taking the plane to I decided to check the plane footages.

What did I find?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing! I can't find anyone who even looks close to them! I either missed them completely or they didn't go on the planes. That means they could be anywhere.

I sighed. What was I supposed to do now? Maybe it was time I got out of the office and walked around. I never really got out that much. In fact, I haven't been outside since I started the mission with Ash to go kill Dan. That was 42 days ago. Equal to exactly 6 weeks..

I stood up and grabbed some clothes and slowly put them on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I suddenly became aware of every little fault I had.

Were my eyes too bright of a brown? Was my nose too small? Did I look too frail? Should I style my hair? Maybe I should wear a headband. Or should I wear a beanie? Ugh! How did Ashley do this everyday?!


I have to find her!

That's the thought that got me to finally go and get out the room. I grabbed a back pack and filled it with lots of electronics I would need. I even put a gun in there. Which was surprising.

I'm sure Ashley wouldn't have hesitated to put a gun in her bag...

I walked out of my room and looked around to make sure no one was around. No other agents lived on the first floor anymore. It was Blue, Rose, Silent and I on the first floor. That was it. But now they're all gone so it was just me...

Even though I never got out, I was still fit because there was a gym in the company building. I dashed down the hallway and walked straight up to the front door. I placed my hand on the scanner. After it beeped green, I pushed the door open and walked out.

The London air hit me hard. It was freezing compared to what it's always like inside the company building. There was an alleyway to the door and it was dirty and disgusting. I groaned and pushed myself forwards.

"Fml." I whispered and gaged as I continued walking.


"Ashley please." Dan begged. I kept walking and ignoring him. "Ashley, can we please stay in London?"

"Dan!" I snapped and spun on my heals. "I said no! We can stay in the UK but we're not staying in London. We're staying at my friend Megan's house so shut up and let's just go." I grabbed his hand and pulled him roughly down the street. It's been 4 weeks since we've gone into hiding together and he's been annoying me ever since.

"Ash, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" Dan stopped himself as I sent a glare his way.


I knocked on the door and held my stomach. There was a huge scar there and it hurt every so often. I had to cut into my stomach to remove the bullet and I just took off the wrap the other day. It still stung very often.

Dan was standing beside me. I looked over my shoulder. I've always looked over my shoulder since we went into hiding. After all, Dan still had £5,000,000 on his head.

The door swung open and I turned back to it. "Ashley? What... you can't be here, remember? I know who you are and th-the company-" Megan looked over at Dan. "Who's he? Does he know?" She looked around and then back at me. She sighed. "Just get in here you loser."

Dan followed me inside as Megan showed us around. I couldn't really pay attention to her, I kept looking over at Dan. I read his emotions and he really didn't want to be here. He wanted to go home. I put all of this on him by hunting him down... but who was really responsible? Andrew Hunter was the one who assigned me to do the job. It was his fault. It was at this very moment that I swore revenge on him and not for my own sake: but for Dan's.

"Hold on Meg." I said and didn't wait for a reply. I took Dan's hand and pulled him away. "What? What happened Ash?" He asked, confused. I stopped and turned to him. "You're upset."

"Is that it? You need to stop worrying about me." Dan replied in an annoyed tone. I got upset as well. "So I can't worry about the only person I care about? I'm sorry but if you haven't noticed you're stuck with me."

"So now I'm stuck with you? When did that happen?" He snapped. I heated up with anger. I was not in the best of moods today and Dan wasn't making it any better.

"Ever since you have had a price on your head!"

"Well that wasn't my fault!"

"Nothing is your fault, Mr. Perfect!"

"Shut up and leave me alone!"

"I can't!"

"You just want the money, don't you?"

I was taken back. He still thinks I want to kill him? "No Dan. I-I... I worry because I love you.."

He stared at me for a moment and I stared back. "I'm sorry Ashley, but I can't believe that any more." He turned around and dissapeared behind a corner. Did I just... lose him? He'll never love you. A voice in my head hissed. I collasped to the ground and hugged my knees to my chest. I started crying. How could this boy make me cry so much?

He's stolen my heart and he won't give it back. Will he ever trust me again?


Well then. This is an interesting start....

If you guys didn't know this is a sequel to a story I have on my account called Mission Anonymous and it's a Dan Howell ff so go check that out if you haven't already.


Kk much love <3


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