Chapter 5

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Phil and I walked as fast as we could until I could bring up the location on my phone. Then I put away my laptop and we ran.

We made multiple turns and crossed lots of streets before the location was finally in sight. My heart dropped. We were too slow.

The house was surrounded with cars and people all pointing guns at it. I pushed Phil back behind a different house and hid with him. We were just too late.

A gunshot echoed through the eerie air.

"Move in!" Someone yelled and the entire crowd of people started moving toward the house. All of them went in the door one at a time leaving the cars behind.

"What do we do?" Phil whispered, his voice laced with fear. "I..." I answered. "I don't know, Phil. We were just too late."

"Are you giving up?" Phil looked at me and I looked back up at him. His eyes begged and looked deep into mine. His soft gaze made me feel fragile. God, I'm so cliché.

"No. Of course not. Not now. Not when we're so close."

He smiled at me. "Good. Now, do you have a plan?"

I thought for a moment. Did I have a plan? We couldn't just charge in there with all those people. And if we wait and they end up getting killed, I'll feel guilty and Phil will probably never forgive himself. I needed a plan.

"Um," I looked up at him. "Yeah... I've got a plan. Follow me."


I stood shocked.

Dan turned and grabbed my hand. He led me back to where Megan was. She walked out and handed us small suitcases. I looked at her facial expression. It wasn't surprise, it wasn't fear... I couldn't read it. Maybe because I couldn't even read my own.

What was happening?

We started walking towards a window at the side of the house. It was pretty clear that other men were outside. That guy was obviously not an assassin so he had to have someone waiting outside. Since the gunshot could probably be heard for many blocks, the men would move in to help or to help escort the wounded or dead.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked, slightly annoyed since no one was telling me. Dan still held my hand and he only glanced at me. They were both going to ignore me.

We climbed out the window and dropped down. I followed them both out from the side of the house to the road and we ran as fast as we could. Who was Dan really?

After a few minutes of jogging, we came to a stop. Megan was calm but catching her breath, I was too confused to do anything and Dan was standing tall looking around for anyone who might have followed us. He didn't look out of breath at all. In fact, he looked like he could run a few miles before he even started to break.

"Dan, please, tell me what the hell just happened back there!" I boomed at him. He barely turned around. He barely even acknowledged me. "I would like to know where that help was when we needed it and where it was when you were dying! Remember that, Dan? The day I risked literally everything for you?! And now I find out that you probably could have saved yourself! You can just imagine how pissed I am-!"

"Ash, please calm down." Megan stood straight up again. And walked over to me. "Calm down? Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down when that just happened?!" I waved my hand towards the direction we came in. "Megan, go through the bags and make sure everything is there." Dan ordered. "Ash, come with me."

He didn't wait for a response and just started walking. I followed, desperately wanting an answer. I followed him into an ally way a few streets down from where Megan. I couldn't exactly trust Dan - after what had just happened - but I wanted to know something. Anything! I was desperate.

"Ashley, I really need to tell you something."

"No shit, Dan."


I stared at him with my arms crossed.

"Did anyone ever tell you why I have such a big bounty?"

"Not really. I was just told people had some grudges on you. And that's obviously not the reason."

He sighed. "I know you're mad, but can you please stop acting like this?" He stepped toward me and I stepped back.


He frowned. "Fine. Ashley, I'm a criminal. A bad one too."

"You?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "How bad?"

"Really bad. I've robbed, killed, and kidnapped, Ash. I've even played and raped girls."

My shoulders dropped. "Oh."

"No one has really known it's been me until I made a mistake a while ago. I forgot to take out one of the cameras in a house during a robbery. The information won't ever be released to the public. YouTube would completely freak out; 'Internet star Dan Howell is a dangerous criminal on the lose.' Just imagine how people would react."

The air was deadly silent after he spoke. He looked down at me, desperate for a reply. I stared out the ally at the passing cars.

"'ve played girls?" My voice cracked as I turned my head back to face him. His expression changed from annoyed and desperate to surprised and sorry. "Ashley, no, wait - I didn't -" he stepped forward.

My throat started burning and my eyes threatened to spill. I pushed him away as he stepped towards me. "Forget it, Dan. Just leave me alone." I snapped started walking away, on the very verge of tears. Right before exiting the ally, I turned back to him.

He was staring at me. He looked so broken. It made me want to break even more. But I was going to stay strong. Dan was going to be the one to cry. "I was actually starting to trust you, you know? Has everything we've done together just been you playing me? Am I just a piece in your stupid 'innocent' game? Did I even need to risk my life and career to save you from a prison cell? From dying?" I paused, considering if I should go on. "Or was that just part of your secret criminal plan?"

Was I over reacting? As soon as I saw tears in his eyes as he stepped closer to me, I regretted saying all of those things. But at the same time, I didn't regret a single word. He stood in front of me and just looked at me. Both of us on the edge of breaking out into Niagara Falls.

"I was never playing you."

"Prove it, Howell."

I had never been good at reading kisses, but he made it obvious what he meant. The hand on my cheek, the other on my hip, the way his tears dropped onto my face as we closed our eyes and silently cried into a kiss. The way he just kissed me softly. Emotionally. Carefully. I didn't even know what to do with my hands.

It was over as soon as it started and I couldn't contain my emotions. I nearly collapsed and started crying. Dan picked me up bridal style and I cried into his shoulder.

I still didn't quite trust him. I had never been in love before, and he wasn't helping by ripping my heart out and carefully placing it back. What was I supposed to do now?

I'll just decide in the morning.




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