Chapter 6- secrets revealed

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Previously on the space guardians...

"Hey since we all don't really know each other that well how about we tell everyone a secret or something"-Rosey

Archer gulped in fear "this is not going to be fun"

There was only silence around the spaceship as you can see the space guardians are in a circle getting ready to tell each other a secret. "so... who should go first?" asked danny. Archer glared at rosey "i think rosey should go first since it ws her idea" he said coldly. After that everyone started to argue and this annoyed rosey, we were suppose to get along not argue. "QUIET!!!" she shouted as everyone stopped what they were doing to look at rosey.

At first she sighed then she talked "archer does have a point so since this was my idea i'll go first" Everyone just stared at rosey waiting for her to tell them about her secret. " parents always wanted me to go to the academy to you know become a cadet like the rest of my family so they planned my life ahead before i was born and at first i didn't mind they were just looking out for me but then i just couldn't take it anymore it was driving me crazy but no matter what  i did my parents always told they were doing the best for me" Everyone just looked at her shocked that the nervous girl came out like that on the spot. Katie comforted her and said "i'm sorry that happened to you" all that rosey could give was a soft smile.

"Anyway who wants to go next?" asked rosey that is when everyone was silent but then they saw someone raise up their hand slowly and it was Echo. Again same with rosey everyone stared at echo waiting. "My parents didn't support me going to the academy i don't know why they just seem scared when i told them that i wanted to go, like i know they wanted to protect to me but i really wanted to go so in the morning i told my parents like i'm going and nothing will stop me from going, my parents begged me not to go saying it will be dangerous and i will regret it when i find out the truth but i went anyway never talk to them from a over a week" Everyone looked at echo, their eyes have soften a bit and they were feeling so bad for him. All of sudden rosey came and gave echo a hug and whispered "i'm sorry that happened" Echo was shocked but accepted the hug. Archer look at echo still shocked, he had no idea that has happened to him and he has been bulling echo for a while maybe when they are alone they can have a conversation or become friends.

After that long awkward silence and rosey and echo stop hugging, katie spoke up saying "alright i'm going to go next" as everyone turned to her now. "So my father forced me to go to the academy because i needed to be better than everyone else but i didn't want to go, i wanted to do something else in life not sure what i wanted to do but my father shouted at me telling me i had no choice and that i had to do what he says but now looking back at it my dad was a d!ck also if i hadn't come here i wouldn't be here at this moment with you guys" Katie looking at everyone back and forth having sad faces still looking at her. "I'm so sorry that happened to you" whispered archer showing sadness in his face as katie just looked at archer seeing a different side of him. "thank you" she whispered back.

Whipping her tears away now looking at danny with a smile, "now danny it's your turn" Danny looked at her with disbelief. "Are you sure?" he asked in a nervous voice seeing katie nod and everyone look at him. Katie did want to know the secret as she had suspected danny acting a bit strange on the mission. As he let out a sigh and finally spoke "at a very young age, my parents were captured by lord vex and ever since then i was going to look for them but i found no luck i thought lord vex killed them but i didn't believe that i know they are still alive and i will find them" confidence in his voice as everyone just stares at him with disbelief and sorrow. "wow i can't believe that happened to him" thought katie.

Soon all the stares and worry looks danny was getting made him a little uncomfortable. "Alright stop staring who is next?" he asked, everyone looked away and now looked at archer. "What?" Archer asked trying to act like he was confused. Echo let out a sigh and said "it's your turn archer to tell your secret" Archer rubbed the back of his next "do i have to?" he questioned as everyone at the top of their lungs shouting "YES!" Finally archer understands that he isn't getting out of this one. There was silence for 2 minutes but finally archer started to talk. "Well... I am a... umm... and I'm g- umm.. the reason I bully is because... I got bullied as a kid since... umm.. nevermind this is bullsh!t!" As he stormed off through the spaceship doors and into the hall to go to his bedroom.

Everyone just stared in complete silence not knowing what to say to this. "Why didn't he tell us, we all told our secrets his can't be that bad right?" Echo thought suddenly being pulled out by her thoughts by Katie saying "well this has been fun but I'm going to bed now you coming echo?" turning to look at echo as he nods at Katie, they soon get up and went to bed leaving Danny and rosey on there own. "We better go to bed now" said Danny getting up but rosey put her hand on Danny's hand to stop him.

"Danny... when we were doing the mission how did you know about the passcode since it was our first time going there?" She asked. Could Danny tell her the truth or lie.. no rosey was his friend and friends don't do that. "I'm not sure really... I had a vision and someone told me the code but I didn't see their face" he replied back honestly. Rosey was a bit confused on what Danny told her "huh that's weird.." she said and Danny just nodded. Then they decided to go to bed now.

Walking down the hallway of the spaceship, Danny and rosey were chatting and laughing suddenly the alarm went off and the spaceship was rocking back and fourth! "What's going on?!" Shouted Rosey trying to get her balance and not trying to fall over. "Guardians! Come to the main part of the ship lord vex is attacking our ship!" Shouted agent g over the intercoms.

"Just when things start getting easy then they turn hard" thought Katie, all of them rushing to see the main room where agent g is. Then they a saw a hologram come up in the screen and there he was... lord vex.

"Hello Guardians!" Said lord vex.

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of the space guardians! Who was that person in Danny's vision and why didn't archer tell them his secret? A lot will be explained in the next chapter! Byeeee :)

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