Chapter 2- Adventures in the space academy

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As Katie and Rosey were talking so much, getting to know one another. They completely forgotten that they had classes to attend right now!! "Oh shoot! We have classes like right now come on!!!" Shouted rosey as Katie quickly nodded, rushing down the halls with rosey tying to get to their classroom on time.

Surprisingly when they got there, the teacher wasn't even there yet. "How strange?" Katie thought. As Katie was just thinking about it she quickly got out of her thoughts by rosey saying "we better take our seats quickly" Katie nodded as she took her seat next to some weird kid and at the back of her was archer just looking like he was about to punch someone in the face.

Meanwhile with rosey, she was still looking for a seat then she saw one next to a person that was just drawing on their desk doing weird drawings. Tapping the person on the shoulder "excuse me is anyone sitting here?" She asked very kindly as the person looked at her like she was an alien or something and replied back saying "нет" (translate- no) Rosey just kind of stared at the person looking so confused as she did not speak Russian at all so all she did was sit down quickly as she did that the person looked away and went back to their drawings.

All of a sudden rosey gets a tap on the shoulder as she looked back it was from a boy that looks nice and friendly.

"Don't mind Echo, they don't really like talking to anyone and when people do talk to them, they speak Russian to get out of the conversation... sorry I should of introduce myself, I'm Danny" he said smiling at her. "I'm Rosey" she replied back. "I see you have met Katie saw you walking with her down the hall, Katie is nice but also can rant on a bit just thought to let you know" Danny said. All rosey did was nod as she turned away from the boy waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Finally after what it felt like hours, all the students heard the door creak open as the teacher walked in looking all happy and jolly. "Sorry for me being late I apologise for the wait, my name is Mr Lockett and today we are going to learn about being a space cadet and all the rules about it, let's get started then" he said.

1 hour later...

As they were learning how to be a space cadet, fascinated what they can do in space. It sounded amazing to rosey that she could do all that when she becomes a space cadet. "And that's all the stuff to cover on how to be a space cadet and the rules well done class today very impressed but Archer again with the attitude it's got to stop alright?" Mr Lockett said looking at archer like he was glaring at him. "It's not my fault that everyone has silly questions and that everyone is strange especially the person who speaks Russian" he argued back.

Echo just sat there looking at the floor just not saying anything, Katie couldn't take it anymore, she knew she had to defend echo cause she saw echo as a friend even if echo didn't. "Alright Archer! You don't get to say stuff like that, here at the academy we have to be nice to each other but I guess you can't follow that rule!" Katie shouted at him. Archer just stared at her as he took his sit and grumbled. Echo looked at Katie and gave her a small smile and so did Katie back.

*Bell rings*

"Alright class dismissed" he said as everyone started to get up but then suddenly he raised his hand up and said "expect for Rosey, Katie, Danny, Archer and Echo." Rosey just kinda stared at Mr Lockett looking nervous "why does he want me, am I in trouble, it's only been my first day here" she thought her hands shaking but she wasn't the only one who was nervous, Echo was beyond on having a panic attack, they have never been through this before so why does it have to be now?

As all the other students left the room there was only them five and the teacher obviously. "Why do we have to stay here?" Asked Danny looking so confused on what's going on. "The reason why your still here is that, I saw how you were today, for some reason I feel like there is a connection between all of you so I want you to go in the library to do a group project!" Mr Lockett explained. Everyone just looked shocked like why was their teacher doing this to them?

"Hell na! I'm not doing it with these weirdos!" Archer argued. "Well I don't think you have a choice" rosey replied as archer gave her a glare. "я не делаю этого с этими людьми я не работаю с людьми это не получается!" Echo argued at Mr Lockett. (Translate: i am not doing it with these people i do not work with people it does not work out!)

Everyone just stared at echo looking so confused on what they have just said. Mr Lockett sighs and replied back saying "ну, тебе нужно с этим покончить, эхо, извини, но тебе нужно научиться работать с людьми в какой-то момент" (translate: well you have to get over it echo I am sorry but you have learn to work with people at some point) As he said that Echo just crossed her arms in a amp. "Since when did our teacher learn how to speak Russian?" Echo thought.

"Anyways you five have a lot of work to do now go to library to do the work and I'll even get you extra credit" Mr Lockett said. After everyone heard that they were rushing to the library as they have heard getting extra credit was a good thing. They got to the library and started to do everyone went ok until...

"This is stupid!" Shouted archer as he threw book on the floor. Everyone looked at archer but didn't say anything and carried on. There was no " connection" as Mr Lockett said between them, none of them said anything to each other. All of an sudden, a portal came out of nowhere right in front of them and as they looked in there, they could see a person's shadow coming out of it.

It was a young women wearing a black suit and cool digital glasses. "Who the heck are you!!" Shouted Katie so confused on what she just saw. "Oh.. sorry love.. knew you would be confused.. I'm Agent G and I need your help" she explained to them. "What.Is.Going.On?!" They all thought looking at the women right in front of them.

Meanwhile on a different planet not far from them...

"So Agent G found some pathetic teens to defeat me" the figured laughed so loudly. "Let them try my lord they will only fail" said another figure. "Yes you are correct Ami, let them try but I will defeat them one by one as there precious world is destroyed as no one can defeat Lord Vex!" He shouted as he sat on his throne.

"Let them try indeed" lord vex whispers to himself.

I hope you liked the second chapter. Who is this Agent G what does she want and this lord Vex sounds like bad news.
Wanna give a thank you to my bestie sage who help me with the the Russian for echo's character as I have no idea how to speak Russian so thank you for that! :)

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