chapter 11- agent g on a mission

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(This will be all about agent g going to rescue the space guardians)

Back with agent g as she is not the spaceship pacing up and down wondering where the hell is her guardians. Trying to track them down with their comms but there is no use they are completely dead. Slamming her fist on the keypad in frustration, she has lost them.. they weren't going to die on her now.

"I guess I have to go on a rescue mission" she finally said.

Getting everything ready, putting on her jetpack to go save the guardians. She was really nervous, she never actually has been close to lord vex before and now she was going on his ship. Agent g hoped that everyone was ok especially katie her life depend on katie being alright.. umm.. nevermind. Anyway putting on her suit getting ready to go, finally she was ready!

"H open hatch!" she ordered. She was wasn't in the mood to say please and H knew this as well, she needed to be quick. "Of course Agent g" H replied back as the hatch quickly opens like the speed of lighting. Hopping off and going into space as agent g flew threw space to get to lord vex's ship.

What seemed like forever, agent g quickly spotted lord vex's ship but no guards were outside. This was strange as usually there will be guards out there. Shrugging her shoulders as the thought of it went out of her head. She flew to the hatch where she told the guardians to go when they were getting the data. As always there was a password, agent g looked angry she needed to get in fast!

Giving an annoying huff, she used a laser from her suit to use it on the hatch. As she was done, the opening of the hatch literally broke and now she was in.

Moving through the halls, in and out was difficult. She has no idea where the hell she was going! Suddenly, the corner of her eye she saw someone familiar. It was echo but when agent g looked at echo, he was different, he has purple eyes and seemed to obey lord vex. She knew immediately that lord vex was behind this!

Trying to move swiftly so she doesn't get spotted. All of a sudden she knocks something over. BANG!! All eyes are on her as agent g stands there nervous. "Ah.. shit!" She mutters. "GET HER!!" Shouts lord vex angry as ever as echo and some guards chase after her.

Still running, not knowing what to do, she quickly turns a corner and hides. She saw echo and the guards looking for her but with no luck. Echo looks over to one of the guards "where are the pathetic guardians kept!" Spits echo. Agent g never seen this side of him before but knew that echo was brainwashed. "In cell C right across the hall" said one of the guards as they kept walking down the hall for the look of agent g.

"Bingo!" She thought. Going down the hall quietly so she doesn't get caught. For the moment it was quiet which was strange but she tried not to think about it that much.

What seemed like forever, she finally got to cell c. She knew she needed a key but used her lasers instead. As the door went down to the ground with a large THUD! Going through the door where she saw everyone there looking scared but once they saw agent g their faces lit up like they were going to explode.

"Hey kids did you miss me?" She says with a smirk on her face.

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been posting that much I've been busy so I will tried to get you all updated. Byeee :)

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